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Everything posted by Neverdone

  1. I dunno, why don't you melt down a tire or something?
  2. I understand this, the holes in the ring gear are 13mm, and the holes in the lsd unit are 12mm. You obviously can't put a 13mm bolt though a 12mm hole, but you can put a 12mm bolt through a 13 mm hole. If you had some sort of spacer that was threaded on both ends to essentially make your 12mm bolt, 13mm for the part that goes through the ring gear. Would that be possible, or would the spacer be far too thin and just crumble?
  3. Would it be possible to tap and thread a spacer to go over the 12mm bolts to fit snug in the 13mm hole? Or just use a **** ton of loc-tite?
  4. I'm pretty sure the solution involved swapping both the LSD unit and the output axles from the Q45 into the diff you want. You have to do this because it's a VLSD unit and the output axles are longer or something. Don't quote me on that but I'm almost positive this is true. You also have to worry about the whole "12mm vs 10mm" bolt thing...but that's a pretty easy fix if you have a tap and die set. (the thing I'm talking about is the bolts that hold the ring gear onto the lsd unit)
  5. looks like an oil catch can to me.
  6. Wouldn't poly bushings around your fuel lines be a bit too harsh? I mean, I don't know the durometer of the stock rubber, or what poly can get down too, but it seems to my uneducated self that just buying a large chunk of rubber would be your best bet.
  7. You mean you didn't try to get him to throw in all his BMW crap that was in the 260?
  8. Pardon my ignorance but why don't you proportion the front? I'm sure there's a good reason, I would imagine it has to do with, you're just limiting total braking power, but if you could explain I'd appriciate it.
  9. Couldn't you attach the prop valve to the front brake line instead of the rear brake line?
  10. So wait, do you have an adjustable proportioning valve? If you don't, why wouldn't it help?
  11. You also live in Australia where those cars exist. It really does make a whole gang more sense in Americaland to use that Ford 8.8
  12. Well, I want to heavily look into this. Everything for that Ford 8.8 is so damn cheap! A new lsd unit is like 250 bucks, and you could use 31 spline axles. But making that whole suspension setup is where the real coolness is! No more flappy single arm rear Ahhhh! To the junkyards!
  13. I'd muuuuuuch rather see something like this badboy under the arse of a Z Oh can you imagine!
  14. Oh are you talking about trying to mount it to a 280ZX/300ZX? In which case...I can't help at all.
  15. If you're worried about your half-shafts, switch to CV shafts I think you're worrying too much. You can always place the pump/lines more towards the middle of the tank/car so even if a shaft does break it's not like it's going to fly all the way across the car to take it out. If it does however, consider yourself extremely unlucky, and you should probably never go outside again...although your house is probably gonna burn down anyway so you might as well just end it all now. And that's why I just wouldn't worry about it.
  16. The transmission has nothing to do with the engine being able to rev. If he's telling you it does, then he's either an idiot, or he's trying to hide something. Either way I wouldn't want to deal with him.
  17. Cradle...you mean like this http://www.modern-motorsports.com/catalog/product_info.php?products_id=74 Or techno toy tunings mount http://technotoytuning.com/productdetail.php?p=863 I second someone doing a mount for a diff that doesn't have massive F'in CV joints, and has more than 2 gear ratios, and preferably isn't a VLSD.
  18. Wouldn't it be easier to just buy the auto 350z/G35 diff? You can get one out of an Infiniti for sure for like 250 bucks, and those 3.357 for the autos. Just make sure you get one that actually has the lsd option, not all of them do. You want lower than that and you'll probably have to order a non-oem gearset, or try a differential from a non-Nissan. Lots of American cars have lower gearing for sure.
  19. They make 5 lug 240sx rotors too. I'm using 300zx rotors out back....those ALSO come in 5 lug. I'd check the dimensions of later 240sx's and the 5 lug 300zx rotors.
  20. Couldn't you use a 240sx rear rotor and caliper at that point?
  21. Don't people yank the steering rack out of a Subaru (Forester I think, maybe others) to give the S30's power steering? Obviously it's never that easy. But it can, and has, been done before.
  22. Yeah except it's a 2+2... I'm sure a few guys like them...but they just arn't as cool. Yes, they are more practical, but since when have Z cars been about practicality? What's wrong with fast and loud btw?
  23. Oh if only I didn't want my car to be a nice daily driver I'd so be over there trying to buy that off you. THAT IS SO COOL!
  24. Ehhh, that comercial is retarded. Ford should be selling this car based on how much of an insanely good performer it is and how much fun it is. It really is one of, if not the best Mustang ever build ever. All the "super macho ultra man" crap sells Dodges, because they cater to a simpler folk. Ford should be better than that.
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