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the skid pad

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im pretty new to cars just started last year. initiated by the love for a z car in a junk yard nearby. and been slow working away from learning about engines and stuff but what i want to know is why the lateral g's on a car are different from right to left the datsun has a max .72 g right and a .77 g left why is that and also why are the front suspenion arm lengths different?

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If you have a U.S. Z then your fat butt is sitting on the left hand side of the car, hence reducing body roll on left hand corners, and increasing it on right hand corners, yeilding unequal G's. Most magazine tests use the average of the two numbers.


For an S30 the control arms, TC rods, and steering knuckes should be be the same length, but i have no idea what kind of car you have.

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