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Posts posted by heavy85

  1. What track is between IL and NC?


    Not sure. Guess that's kind of a black hole for road courses? I read about a new track in Kentucky. My brother lives in Ohio so I could probably have my arm twisted to go to Mid-Ohio. Also depends on which side of NC your on because the coast is a good drive from here.



  2. Mark - If your ever in the Midwest it would be fun to run against you. Mine is about the same weight and has a stock '02 LS1 with full slicks etc. so it should in the ballpark with yours with a little less power which I hope to fix over the winter. Mine doesn't look nearly as pretty though.



  3. I dropped your print off and he said it wasn't a problem. He starts from the middle and bends out to each side using the centerline dimensions and would adjust for the different tube diameter. He was able to order 40' (two 'sticks') of 1 3/4 x 0.095" DOM for $200 delivered to his door and I'm paying his cost. From internet searching this seems to be about as low as I could find without delivery so it's better than I could get by far. I dont have an exact date but expect to hear from him in the next week.


    It's an old shop full of well used equipment and the owner who is probably 65+ was hanging out with two other gray hears shooting the breeze when I got there. I would swear it's more of a hobby shop that used to be a business and he's more or less retired but he's still got signs out front and is in the phone book.



  4. 11 1/2 lbs??? That's a big girl! Then again my girl was 8 lbs 3 oz and a month early.


    With 5 I wonder how you have any time for the Z at all.


    CONGRATS!!! :cheers:


    Z - what's that? :confused: I haven't seen her in weeks ....


    It's amazing how little you can get done with a newborn. Before the youngest was 5 so it was fairly easy to work on the Z from time to time and actually make it to the track. We'll have to see how next season goes. Closest I've come to working on the Z is taking a print to the rollbar bender guy.


    Thanks guys. Yeah she's a big girl but I swear it's mostly in the cheeks. It's all good so far but definitely changes things. And one way or another we will not need a larger van in the future!



  5. Sparks, I'm still at the same place. I don't think the local law enforcement would appreciate the Z on the roads around here. You are welcome to come by the house.


    Heavy, I have a little head and cam work. It dyno'd at 380 hp at the wheels.


    ... and the weight?


    Reason I ask is I'm curious with these relative time slips how your car compares to mine.



  6. In the midwest they call them Hornets. Most seem to be Saturns, Neons, or some two door fastback that I cant quit place what they are. I dont thing I've ever seen a Honda? There are even pro and amateur divisions and a national points championship series. Some take it pretty serious, others not. I've thought about it as they look fun but there is a LOT of beating and banging going on. Tempers also tend to be high with the dirt roundy round crowd. You can find gently used (there is no such thing) 'race ready' ones for a couple hundred $ if you want to jump right in without a lot of work.



  7. Last Thursday 10/8 at 5:40 AM she was born at home. I got the play catcher :shock: but not on purpose. Stats: 23" and 11 1/2 lb with lots o' black hair. This is the unplanned #5 so the minivan is officially full. It was a long and difficult pregnancy but everyone is doing well so that's all that really madders. I've been laid off this week so am home and have gotten zero things done around the house other than help out. Today we finally decided ... I think ... on Lucy for a name.



  8. Would anyone have the CAD ability to take 74_5.0L_Z's drawing and convert to 1 3/4 tubing? I'm wondering if the shop can readily recalculate the angles because it would take some time for me to do it and he doesn't even have e-mail so I'm not thinking he will plug into a tube bending program and convert it. I'm heading there on Wednesday to give him the print.




  9. You should buy two sticks of tubing (each "stick" is 18 to 22 feet long). That's the cheapest per foot rate. Extra tubing will come in handy for future projects.


    Pay the bender guy for one hour of his time at his normal rate. You'll get a main hoop that's bent well and all in the same plane. If a shop is busy its not worth their time to stop what they are doing and setup for four bends to get paid for 24 minutes of work. Most likely they will ask you to go somewhere else.


    And that whopping profit from being paid for one's hour's work and only spending 24 minutes on it doesn't go far toward's the shop owners retirement. We are not getting rich doing this.


    Thanks John I'll do that. Your comments are exactly why I said I would pay more than he is asking. I'm willing to pay fairly for his time since he comes with high recommendations and I know he's busy. From my perspective he's doing me a favor.


    JM - $350 put's it into perspective. Looks like the metal is $2-300 for 1 3/4x0.95 DOM so with labor that's about right.



  10. Wait you want to pay more???


    I figure most shops are ~$50 an hour to cover overhead and still make somewhat of a living. So 4 bends @ $5 a bend = $20 or about 24 minutes of work. I'm guessing he will spend more time with me than that and really wont make a penny on the whole thing. I would rather take care of someone local that's good and I can go to rather than trying eek out every penny from him. I'll see if he charges extra for the tubing, etc and then we'll work out how much he's worth but if he orders tubing for me (again I dont have anywhere it can be delivered since I dont have a loading dock), cut's a bar to length and adds 4 bends, and only charges $20 then I'll give him more to really cover his time and I'll still be way ahead.



  11. Here are the dimensions that I used to construct my main hoop. I believe that the leg length dimensions are a little long (so you will need to trim to fit).


    A few members have already built roll bars based on these dimensions. I have gotten feedback that the fit was good.




    Thanks for that. I was already planning on using your print which is where I figured the ~10' requirement for the main hoop. Now with screw-ups, nice to have, etc how any recommendation how more tubing should I order?



  12. I found a local shop that will order the metal and bend the tube for me. It'll be a basic 4-point bar with diagonal and cross brace. I already have the harness bar welded between the towers. Given Murphy's law etc how much tubing should I have them order as I dont want to be short? It looks like the main hoop takes a minimum 10' length and the rest are shorter but I dont know how he orders the metal. I tried to order myself but they wont deliver over 8' to a non-business address. I'm thinking maybe 40'?


    When I asked how much to bend it he said $5 a bend. It was an older guy that said he used to build cages but does not much anymore because he doesn't have the time and comes highly recommended. I think I'll negotiate and see if he'll take $10 a bend depending on what he charges for the steel and how much time it actually takes him!



  13. I'm missing a part... does anybody have the plastic bushing that goes on the end of the ebrake assembly that they'll give/sell to me? I burned mine up when I was welding on my tunnel:


    Mine pretty much fell apart so I wrapped it about a hundred times in electrical tape until it was a tight fit. Cheesy but seemed to work. If you have a chunk of plastic or whatever we can turn one on my lathe.



  14. I'm embarrassed to say I think to root cause was leaking banjo fittings. I had been running them all year with several track events, autox, etc and had no problems at all. Then at the end of one track day while changing back to street tires to drive home I noticed that both rears were leaking fairly bad as fluid was on the wheels and fluid dribbled out when you pressed the pedal. Looking at them you could see fluid dripping off the bottom of the pistons and the dust shields were brittle. Thinking the obvious that the seals were bad I exchanged one at the auto parts store but the other one I got on e-bay so I bought a rebuild kit. I replaced the seals in the one and it still leaked dripping off the piston. Then I started looking REALLY close and noticed that the banjo fitting was wet and that was the source. If the fittings leak the fluid runs down to the top of the piston then runs off the bottom making it look like a piston seal leak. Since the fluid is thin and clear and the calipers are gold anodized it's impossible to see the fluid path but you could feel by hand and trace it. Why both sides decided to leak at exactly the same time after 1/2 years use I have no idea but I noticed you have to crank them down more than I would think is enough to get them to seal. I wonder if the temps caused the copper crush washer/seals to relax?




    I'm anxious to see how your car does when you get it complete and on track!

  15. Also on the toe-link attachment I would make it 'taco' style to distribute stress to the strong part of the A-arm tube. This same theory applies to why 'tacos' would be preferred for all the gusseting. Having it go into the middle of the tube is less stiff/strong than attaching to the top and bottom. For the toe link attachment you could start with a rectangular tube instead of a flat plate, notch one side around the A-arm tube at the appropriate angle, drill a vertical hole for a rod end and Bob's your uncle. I look forward to seeing your calculations so I can steal the tube thicknesses if I ever build my own.



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