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Any washing machine gurus???


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Well, my dad has this whirlpool ultimate care II clothes washer. So, 2 days ago it stopped spinning or agitating. It will fill and drain just fine. Well, I poke around on the good ole' internet, most ideas are to check the drive coupler, which is pertfect. Other ideas say clutch or brake assemblies. These look good also. The motor seems to work fine. When I spin the drum by hand, it wants to go but does not.

I procede to pull the gearbox out, then disassemble. I do not find any broken parts or any wear signs. I can spin the input shaft by hand, the agitator mechanism seems to work ok, but the shaft has no movement no matter which way the input is turned.

Most of the things I read by searching seem to indicate a bad gearbox.

So, any ideas, experience, suggestions, or thoughts?

Bueller? Bueller?

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I recently found allexperts.com. They have experts on many topics from music to applicances to almost anything. I searched your problem and came up with this: http://en.allexperts.com/sitesearch.htm?terms=whirlpool+ultimate+aggitate Some of pages were not available when i clicked them. They might be later. You can also post your own questions. I recently had my run of problems with my kenmore calypso washer. These washers have had alot of problems, to the point that there was recently a class-action suit against them. I was able to fix mine though. Good luck.

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I work mostly on commercial Maytag and Dexter equiptment but if it'll just drain it usually means that the bearing in the tranny is shot. On Maytags it will spin clockwise to wash then counter clockwise to drain indicating the whole tranny has to be replaced or in your case the drive. The bearing on the washers in our equipment was designed so you have to replace the whole unit because it takes too much time to replace the bearing itself. Hope it helps give you an idea.

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