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Back in the saddle again.


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What's up, guys?

I know its been awhile, and for that I apologize (not that any of you noticed, I'm sure :)) but I'm back in the US and having a great time so far. I left the Z at my dad's house, and he got a bit overzealous with it, so now the car has a bra and a set of autozone foglights, but on the plus side, the air dam and light bucket got fixed from my crash, and it has keyless entry. All the new stuff was wired through the driver's side headlight though, so I've been blowing a fuse here and there, but whatever. I've been snooping around on the site over the past few days, so I thought I would say what's up to all of you. Oh, I almost forgot. When I got back, I drove the Z from LA to San Fransisco and it ran like a dream machine. I drove all over up there over four days, and when it was all said and done, I only used 2.5 tanks of gas. After eight months of total Z depravation, it was seriously an awesome time. I'll be around on the site researching and whatnot, so I'm sure I'll see you guys around. Thanks for all the help you've provided so far. Later on.

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