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The Gulf of Mexico oil catastrophe final dispatch

BP says that the latest cap it has fitted to the top of the well is successfully halting all oil gushing into the Gulf of Mexico.   I hope it's true.   If so that is a happy thing and I am not going to project into the future, just enjoy the moment.   Good luck and take care...



The Gulf of Mexico oil catastrophe part seven.

This just in;       (CNN) -- While cleanup crews and technical teams continue efforts to stop crude gushing into the Gulf of Mexico, Louisiana lawmakers are proposing a different approach: prayer.   State senators designated Sunday as a day for citizens to ask for God's help dealing with the oil disaster.   "Thus far efforts made by mortals to try to solve the crisis have been to no avail," state Sen. Robert Adley said in a statement released after



The Gulf of Mexico Oil Catastrophe part six.

British Petroleum has lost 90 billion dollars or roughly ½ of its’ net worth in the last two months since the beginning of the disaster in the Gulf. Planned implimentation of a plug for the leak in the Gulf of Mexico is two months away. Rudimentary mathematics would project the company being out of money by that time. BP’s assets include ; oil wells, refineries, equipment etc.. Not to mention investments in several nations governments. Too big to fail indeed.   What we a



The Gulf of Mexico oil catastrophe part five.

Well for me this event has faded into the background noise of the rest of the items which come through the TV screen. It's not in my immediate sphere so to walk around in a sense of despairing outrage is not only hypocritical it's not conducive to a healthy mental state.   The interesting part now is the tangled web of consequences. This is gonna be good. First you got BP whose shares have fallen 17 % since this started. BP in Britain is the biggest pension holder and also one of th



The Gulf of Mexico oil catastrophe, fourth and none.

Watching the tragicomedy of errors transpire leaves me with no words, so the words of others must suffice.       "In this land, right now, some are insane, but they're in charge"   The Gang of Four- "To Hell With Poverty"-1982       Al Pacino as the devil in “The Devils’ Advocate†starring Keanu Reeves-1997   “Eddie Barzoon, Eddie Barzoon, I nursed him through 2 divorces, cocaine rehab, and a pregnant receptionist. &



The Gulf of Mexico oil catastrophe third dispatch.

Another attempt at stopping the "gusher" fails again, and please media outlets, it is a "gusher" not a "spill". Enough with the Orwellian doublespeak already.   This whole incident for me has gone past horror into the realm of absurd comedy; watching the stuffed shirts with their sleeves rolled up walking around in front of the cameras acting like they know what to do and have the situation under complete control. Meanwhile they're talking August as a realistic closing date t



The Gulf of Mexico oil catastrophe Part Deux.

It's real easy to see how this disaster happened and not just from a bubble of methane or bad concrete. One wrong turn led to another and it started a long time ago. From oil discovery and utilization to saleable commodity to industry deregulation to unbridled human greed, lust for power and unchecked arrogance.   "When the corporation becomes enthroned an era of corruption in high places will follow and the money power will endeavor to prolong its reign by working on the prejudices



The Gulf of Mexico oil catastrophe.

Yes, catatastrophe is the right word. I don't even think the psychic shock of what an oil spill on the level of this has even sunk in yet. An Exxon Valdez level spill; every five days. Ask the residents of coastal Alaska what that was and continues to be like.   That's how much oil has/is been/ being released. I think the Gulf of Mexico is history. I mean there was already a "dead (hypoxic) zone" at the mouth of the Mississippi from agricultural runoff. This will pretty much se



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