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Got the job

Got the JM lexus technician job and I couldn't be happier.   I dropped off that resume cold about 5 months ago.   Then I whine here on this blog and get a phone call to come in for an interview a couple days later.   Three straight days of interviews and a piss test later, I am employed.   Coincidence?   I'll keep developing the L28et Infiniti M30 but it will be hard to not be seduced by the dark side to the point of putting together a



Post employment blues and receive job offers?

Only a few days after whining on this blog about quality employment, J.M. Lexus called me up and interviewed me today.   Interview went good and going for next phases of employment.   Have to re-cert all of my ASE except L-1 quickly because this determines salary should I gain employment there.   Fingers crossed.....J.M. Lexus is pretty much a dream gig for an auto technician.



HowlerMonkey needs a real job with a quality employer

I am a master diagnostic technician (L-1) and spent 3 years as general manager of a major ECU rebuilder Standard/Blue streak.   I was also the sole technical support for north america fielding up to 40 calls per day from master technicians who experienced befuddlement as to why the 4 different ECUs they put into a car weren't the magic bullet that would fix the car.   I have mastered or have much experience with all brands diagnostics as well as usage of the model scan to



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