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Heres my z. Her name is sunshine. Shes in a sorry state right now. The story- I bought her from the original owners son after the original owner passed away. It only had 29k on it when I got her. The son lived in a condo development in orlando and had was only allowed 2 cars per unit. So i bought her in 94' for 1900 bucks. Brown with tan interior. Not the coolest for a 18yr old. Since I was from ohio and lived in a studio apt. in fl, having a garage to do it up in wasnt a option for me. So She got her first paint job in a disney parking lot where I worked. Laq. red. port. comp. and a gun, she was looking good, for what I had to work with. Story cut short, I got a chance to travel the world on disneys buck so the car found a new home in ohio in my parents garage. I always wanted the car yellow and my dad tried to hook me up and while i was gone He painted the car yellow. looked awsome till the blue tarp fell on the roof and it was all down hill from there. And I was in europe during all of this keep in mind. Well he then decided to freshen up my engine and put a new chain etc. on. well it was the thought that counted. holes in pistons it just got turned into toast. On top of all of this My brother thought he was going to restore it for me. tore it apart and guess what. I come home to parts. pretty pissed but what could i do. well 15 years later I still have her and shes going to get a new life. I just got 5 lug hubs and going to do it right! full roto! why not, its by far the coolest car in the world to me, now i just need to mke her that way. tt sbc. 6.5 ltr turbos 4bolt block. only want 450-500hp. got most of the parts, now its time to get dirty and go to town.

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