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Everything posted by Relentless280z

  1. Hey guys, Thanks for replying....I should have just asked this question....will most of the mechanical parts be interchangable...I.E. if i bought a 78 280...will a 75 engine bolt right in, etc.....that's all I wanted to know. I've found the rust problem...to be just a deterant that will only be part of the rebuild process down the line....I'm hoping to purchase within the next few months or so if nothing comes up. Thanks again...and I'll post up pics when I get the car. One of my friends at work has a recently painted white 240z.....makes me jealous...but all in due time. Thanks again guys....and happy motoring.
  2. Hey everyone.....I'm new here. I will get flamed, but here goes....with purchasing a 280z.....will most parts off the 75-78 be integerchangable? Specifically, the engine and with in and around it? I'm checking out Craigslist for one....running with lots of $$$$ into them....decently running with needed work or just completely dead. So from you guys, I hope you will be able to help me. With lots of things going on in my life....I might not be able to purchase a running 280z but most likely one that is dead. Fixing a car and tuning will cost money.....I'm not shaken by it. However, I have a bit of time and I do have a daily driver to run with for now. So your answers will greatly help me in deciding what year 280z to purchase. I'm decent at fixing vehicles...and already know it will be an on going project with a good budget in mind. Well this is it for now....so thank you in advance for your answers and criticisms. Happy Motoring to all you Z guys. BTW I dont think I saw a thread about the major differences in the 75-78 280z....its been a long day at work....so I will look again later...thanks again, guys. And one more thing....I was planning to get a Honda. LOL.....
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