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IzaBell 280

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Everything posted by IzaBell 280

  1. I need the center horn for an early 240Z. All I have is the 72 steering wheel so I would need all the components that would give me a working horn. As it is now if I place a piece of metal over the hub and make contact with the steering wheel the horn works. I need the center steering wheel hub.
  2. SHE LIVES! It was a blk ground wire that came out of a harness under dash on passenger side Plus the starter was locked. I connected the wire and hit the starter with a hammer Presto! Started up two cranks
  3. It doesnt even turn over now I re did the wires in the fuzeable links nothing So frustrated. Any tips to get it to crank I hope the motor isnt locked up No real reason to think so Is there a way to crank the motor without the key? I believe there is I just jump the starter right? need details.
  4. I know this has been covered however I cant find any info on what to look for. Car started about a month ago just fine. Mush body work, removing fenders, paint prep work and a lot of it. I went to start it tonight and no tach bounce. I have a fsm although I cant believe the tach would suddenly stop working. so no start...try a few things..no start I disconnect the battery and connect it again. Now when I turn the key I get nothing..just a fuel pump sound from the rear. Im so clueless on what is happening. Is there any thing I can check besides all the ecu prongs. Or would that be the best place to start..no pun intended ny help is much appreciated battery is at 12.5 voltz 78 280Z
  5. It did it again...just cut out. Luckily I was close to the house I walked home, got some 12 gauge wire , cut those stupid wire connectors out and wired directly from battery to the harness. Now it starts everytime and even runs better.
  6. My 280Z suffered a stroke in the middle of a spirited run to the store. She just died suddenly and everything I tried didn't work. Towed home;( After much FSM and EFI Bible and basic torture I solved the problem. Let me back up a bit. No Noid light on start cranking told me injectors were not firing. ECU?? Grounds?? Dropping resistors??? After all the work checking and testing the problem was right next to the battery is some white wires that go through a set of terminals that I don't know are used for. NOT FUSIBLE LINKS, they were closer to the battery. After cleaning those and my fusible links she started. It was so very glorious I wanted to share. The Lesson learned is : If you have a "new to you car" that's over 30 years old do yourself a favor clean all wire connections in the engine bay. My lesson 9 months ago was to replace all vacuum tubes. Trend? I think so.
  7. Thanks but the type 3 is really what i am after.
  8. I live in ST. Louis. Shipping might put me out of mt cash window. If price is right I will consider.
  9. Im looking for a better price than retail. Im in the ST. Louis area
  10. Motorsport had them on sale for 350.00 so I bought them with some other needed items. They are the www.trueprojectorheadlights.com "modern" style. I would like to know opinions like if they are worth the money or if anyone has advice for me as I will be installing them myself. I hope they will be super bright as Im going from stock which is just dangerously dim. Thanks
  11. Pretty fast but right before the minivan shot after the truck in the first few secs. I cant believe that's a coincidence. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=v2UPYlt0fmE&feature=related
  12. I am interested...I did not know there was another piece. Can you take a picture for me. Or how can I get it from you?
  13. Thanks for the reply. It does jump with the throttle--to about 35. Its an Auto Meter gauge. installed right after fuel filter. Idle is right at 30. Also I noticed that about an hour after the car is off the pressure drops to zero. Is that all common? I think I should get a new FPR...I dont know
  14. I installed my fuel pressure gauge in the typical spot after my fuel filter. 800RPM 28-29 psi:(, vacuum is 16 steady and timing is about 18. New fuel pump, new fuel filter, and new lines. If I take the vacuum line off the fuel pressure regulator at idle pressure jumps to 36(were I would like to be) I also disconnect the cold start connection(no change). The question is is my fuel pressure regulator bad? all OEM Thanks.
  15. I got a 73? bumper from a local guys junkyard for 30 bucks. I have welded up all the holes and I was starting to fit it to my 78 and I noticed that the old style was much 2 inches wider than my trim piece that went in the same bumper spot. I thought about putting that trim piece in for a bumper than I slapped myself out of it. Any suggestions for fitment? I might cut out 1 inch in two places and weld back together. lot o work though.
  16. I just bought a Crane ps60 from Motorsport. They told me it would be a direct bolt on. When I looked at the box it says "not to be used with points" my question is do I have points in my 78? I will be getting a XR3000 soon but am I doing any harm as it is? Seems to run fine in the garage.
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