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    los angeles california

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  1. thanks i think i figured it out. I think i found a short and fixed the wires and now its runs fine just the spark in the plugs seem really weak. gonna get those changed tomorrow to see how it goes. once again thank you every much.
  2. i just tried your idea and saw that the moment i tap the coil it sparks and i have to let go and tap it again for it to spark again. Is it supposed to be like that or is it suppose to spark continuously?
  3. hi I'm new to the forums, to start this off well i have a 1975 datsun 280z that has sat since 1988 which i bought about 1 month ago. the car at the moment has su carbs on it because i did want to deal w/ the fuel injection stuff the car should be able to start however i cannot due to the coil only sending a spark twice. the 1st time is when i turn the key to ignition and the 2nd is when i let go of it. In between the is no sparks I'm not sure what is causing this, or wether it is normal for it to do that. can anyone please give me some advice on this and how to get the car started. i know there is fuel and air going into the chamber, i have not the timing but I'm sure the wires on the distributer are correct. thank you in advance
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