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    Detroit, MI

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  1. I'm switching from the narrow band O2 to the wide band, what do I need to do after swapping them out before I start/drive the car?
  2. my complete setup is as follows l28et swap with megasquirt -MS2 4 speed trans 240sx throttle body 1 inch throttle body spacer high performance coil pack 4 row MSA racing radiator and electric fan JAZ radiator catch can t3/t4 garrett turbo manual boost controler custom 3 inch downpipe 3 inch straight threw exhaust ebay fmic greddy bov centerforce df clutch rci fuel cell msd external fuel pump r200 with cv axel swap and nismo 2 way gtlsd with a 3.59 gear Painless wiring harness I have an old laptop that has the serial port the battery just doesn't hold a charge (a new one is on its way) I just wanted a place to start and use for reference.
  3. Hey Guys, I have searched all over and can not find what I am looking for. I am running the l28et swap with a t3/t4 turbo, I have the megasquirt system but cant find a chart/map anywhere to reference. I am looking for someone with the same or close setup that is willing to let me copy your map. My cur runs but is extremely rich till full boost then leans out, my problem is I don't have a laptop that I can use for datalogging to help my issue. Any help or links to answers would be great, thanks!
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