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Everything posted by Natulv

  1. Thanks I will try calling them to get either a photo or maybe some more info on them. If they look good enough may at least get the floor pan set from them. Also a positive update, we fixed the wiring! It turns out the last idiot who owned the car tied about 14 ground wires into 1 12gauge ground wire. needless to say we wound up soldering and replacing half the harness in the process of finding that out. Now I just have to add 2 more wires and weld a panel in place to cover the hole in the passenger floor pan for now. As far as finding a donor chassis I dont see many z's come up for sale here in colorado that arent rusty due to being fromt he era when we still used regular salt on roads >.< Might look at buying a car in cali and having a friend drive it out or something
  2. Have one more question. Does anyone have any experience with ordering rails or pans from these guys, and if so were they worth the price? http://www.thezstore.com/page/TZS/CTGY/SBC1B10
  3. Awesome. Thanks much for the reply! I have a friend of mine taking the car into his shop so I can get under it (the suspension is worn a bit so it sits 2 inches lower than stock right now). I will post more pics and update
  4. thanks for the advice, I will probably get to scraping that off tonight. Whats the best scource for ordering new foot pans and frame rails?
  5. I guess I only thought it was a crack. sure looked like one last night >.<
  6. Apparently I either didnt photograph it or it was a figment of my imagination. I cant seem to find it again. So I guess my first order of business is to find a wiring harness I guess. Rather confused as to how the crack is unfindable now
  7. heres the link to the album http://smg.photobucket.com/albums/v610/levikalland/Underbody/ the wiring photos are also in there
  8. How bad of a sign? I have only ever worked on engines and interiors (still kinda new to body and frame work). I had a friend of mine say something about just welding some steel sheet over it but I wasnt sure if that would be viable. Its a fairly sizeable crack
  9. I have been driving it, just not sure ill ever have the money to restore it the way it needs to be done. Also my recent discovery showed me a nice crack in the center frame rail, so I am kinda weary of driving it
  10. Well I got the engine running well, replaced a bunch of parts (see my garage). I verified the tranny as having good syncros and no bad gears. Now as I look I notice the melted wiring headed on the harness to the back of the car, and when lifting up the carpet to see where it goes I notice the rust and a few holes straight through. There is apparently more rust than I thought, some parts of the underbody crunch and flake when pushed. So I need an opinion, do I try to salvage, or part out and hope I can get enough money for a cheap car to drive till I can find another s130 someday?
  11. Hello I am looking for an RB26de to put in my 280zx. I have the stock l-28 running really nicely with new injectors and such (check out my garage for a full list of repairs done). Was hoping someone may be up for a trade of some sort.
  12. Wound up using the wd40, worked amazingly . Now she runs like a champ, apparently the injectors were much worse than I thought
  13. My 1979 280zx has power windows and power steering, despite the belt I haven't hooked up >.>
  14. sorry bout lack of reply had a wicked few weeks at work . We put in some new injectors and mended the exhaust, which seems to have fixed the issue. Car fires up and sounds amazing, though it still backfires once in a while at 4500-6000 rpm. Disconnecting the cold start injector also helped. My new problem is the coolant on the passenger floorboard, apparently the heater core was bypassed poorly (a bolt in both hoses with a flimsy hose clamp).
  15. Well I am currently working on getting a 1979 280zx running, still has the stock l28(for now). I got all new fuel injectors, but for the life of me I cant get them to slip on the damn fuel rail. Has anyone else done an injector replacement? and if so any reccomendations on getting these on?
  16. Well we got a new ignition coil and that seems to have helped alot. Took a meter to the old one and it was pretty shot. I will try the cold start idea definately. also I think the little exhaust problem may be an issue. The last owner of the car last decided for some reason or another to cut the exhaust off with a plasma cutter close to the wheel so it just heats the rubber. Do you think the back pressure not being there may be part of the problem?
  17. Update: I am going to go check the ignition coil at a suggestion from my friend, if that doesnt tell me whats up I will be back
  18. I checked the wires a few times, at first it ran really bad because I did reverse the 5 and 3 wires. I am completely baffled as to what could be the problem >.<
  19. I bought a 1979 280zx a few weeks ago and cant figure out how to fix this problem. The engine seems to be "gasping" and backfiring a bit. I start the car and I have to rev it a little to get it to idle (even then idle seems reallly low). Also between 1000 and 2500 rpms it struggles, like it cant get fuel but theres abviously unburnt fuel due to the exhuast scent. I thought it would be an ignition issue so I replaced the plugs, wires, cap, rotor, and that doesnt seem to have done anything. odd thing is once it manages to hit 3000rpms it sounds and runs alot better. Any help appreciated
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