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Everything posted by Tucker

  1. I have used the dry ice method for removing dents before. It actually does work pretty good. I had a dent from a foul ball at a little league game. I wrote an article on how to do this on DryIceNetwork.com. Basically here are the steps of what I did: Heat the area with a hairdryer Apply dry ice to center of the dent Remove dry ice and allow it to warm up Repeat 3 or 4 times if necessary
  2. Dry ice blasting is a great tool from cleaning all types of things in all types of industries. Here is a link to a free site that talks all about dry ice blasting. DryIceNetwork.com You should be able to find some good information. I have seen it strip the paint off a car right down to the metal before. It is really amazing the way the paint just blasts off.
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