No, I actually bought this one.
Long story short I know I overpaid for it, but the car has sentimental value. It was the first car my dad owned when I was born. When he sold that car for a down payment on my parents house when my mom was pregnant was the first time I saw him cry. He passed a few years ago but I always told him I was going to buy his car back for him. I did a little research and found that his hit the scrap yard years ago. Tends to happen with 280s that grew old in Michigan with salt on the roads.
This one is in really good condition. The guy had it stripped and repainted a few years ago. Only has 5,000 miles on the rebuilt engine. Minimal things wrong. A couple small leaks (i.e. its been in my garage for over a week and nothing on the floor yet), the filler tube is a little loose, and the boot around the shifter has a small hole in it letting heat and some exhaust into the vehicle. Thats it. I can't be happier. Will probably get the little things fixed over the next few months, stick some speakers in the kick panels and drive it a couple times a week.