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Everything posted by Yoak

  1. TTT Rear Suspension Install Note: +/- Fine adjustments More Pictures: http://www.doitinadatsun.com/yoak/2015/01/240z-ttt-rear-…ension-install/ Pictures Taken: October 2014
  2. This marks the end of the primary blasting on the car...all in all better then expected. Pictures taken October 2014 More Pictures:http://www.doitinadatsun.com/yoak/2015/01/240z-misc-blasting/
  3. Future engine sitting in my garage courtesy of Cbaumy34...and a a bit of cash Pictures Taken in September/October 2014
  4. SaturnV has a very valid points Soda blasting is a great option if you have access to one. It is especially good if you are working with soft metals, my buddy has one and loves it and had to use a soda blaster on his car as it had an aluminum body. Where Sand blasting is generally better where you have more rust and other hard to remove compounds. In my case I knew I was going to be working under the car and working with rusty materials so the sand blaster won (and I did look at both). On that note you can buy soda blaster upgrade kits for most blasters, and I came close to getting a combo kit but just could not afford it at the time. I did use the blaster to remove some terrible bondo work near the rear tire area and it did a great job and was very quick. This is where I was a bit vague in a previous post about the paint on the shell of the car in a previous post (which has been edited) as I was actually leaning towards using a paint stripper per my limited space and sand blasting as needed with the option of soda blasting funds permitting. Anyway, sand blasting the media and the pressure you use will make a huge difference on how the panels will be affected, the higher the pressure the more likely you are to warp something. That being said, If I was JUST doing the body, and had to buy a piece of equipment I would probably lean towards Soda Blasting, or a combo kit as it is the best tool for the job. Check out: http://www.eastwood.com/abrasive-blast-media-vs-soda-blast-media-removing-rust-and-paint-with-media
  5. The only rust I had show up again was near the tail gate area...and that was my fault. I do run a dehumidifier that was running during the summer keeping things around 50%. I would strip sections of pain and then paint a day or so later at the most with a bit of a buffer zone to the next area I was going to strip. Funny story about the sand...we were having a major thunder storm role through the area and I had another car pulled partially in the garage to do a timing belt. I look out over the garage door and there is a lightning strike a 100 or so yards out. As if instinctively a look up at the lights and the sand jumps and falls off the fixture like something you have seen in a WW2 movie.
  6. Engine Bay Pictures Pictures Taken In September 2014 More Pictures: http://www.doitinadatsun.com/yoak/2014/12/240z-engine-bay-2/
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