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About Chaoticmass

  • Birthday 04/30/1985

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  1. Okay, good to know. FYI, I took the vacuum line off the FPR and the PSI at idle went to 40 PSI. Does this suggest the pump is working right?
  2. Also would like to clarify that the injectors are set for alternating and not simultanious, so the value entered in the box for REQ_FUEL is not halved (where 12 entered would be halved to make 6).
  3. I've got my car, with turbo and megasquirt 'n spark extra, running nice. When tuning it I had to set the REQ_FUEL variable on the constants page a bit higher than the base map I downloaded. The base map I used had the setting at 6.0 or 6.5 if I remember right, but my engine would barely run at that setting and I have it now set at 9.5 and it runs good. I was always a little uneasy as to why I had to set it so much higher, but figured every engine is different... The other day after driving home I popped the hood and was looking at things and happened to look at the Fuel Pressure Guage on my fuel rail. It was showing 20 PSI! I revved the motor and the fuel pressure did not seem to rise very much. I remember my on my old NA motor I would have 30-40 PSI. So that got me thinking.... if the Fuel Pressure has always been low, that would explain why I had to increase the injector pulse width so much so it would still get enough fuel. But on the other hand, maybe the fuel pressure is low BECAUSE I have the pulse width so long. I dont THINK that the fuel pump or fuel filter is causing this because those parts were working fine on the old NA motor before the Turbo motor was swapped in. Same goes for the FPR, too. I bought a new FPR about a year ago and used it on the old NA motor, and am still using it on this motor. Any Thoughts? It's early in the morning-- before I go to work I'm going to take the vacuum line off the FPR and see what that does to the fuel pressure.
  4. Not yet but I will post pictures as soon as I have them.
  5. When I wrecked the first Z (sad) I took all the goodies off the old motor and put them on the motor in the new Z. Intake manifold, fuel rail, etc. But when the NA motor in that Z started doing the blue smoke thing, and Jerry mentioned he had a turbo motor for sale I decided to ditch that motor and buy the turbo motor from Jerry and run Megasquirt.
  6. K, all my problems were from me bieng ignorant and not doing my homework enough. The problem I had with only 1 injector bank firing was because I did not have it set to fire the 2nd bank of injectors while cranking (DUUUH). The problem I had with the MS box going nuts when I set FIDLE to control spark was due to incomplete settings in basic code config. Did not have distributer mode selected. With those problems out of the way I could start the car, but still had a mountain of tuning work to do. I didn't have a basemap for version 2.4 of MSnS Extra, but I did have a basemap for 2.1. So I decided to 'downgrade' and load the 2.1 firmware. I configured megatune to use the 2.1 version ini file and then loaded the basemap I had for the 2.1 firmware. With this basemap the car ran a lot better, and then I was able to tune some more and it runs REALLY REALLY GOOD. Still have a LOT of room to improve, but when that boost kicks in it really huals.
  7. What version board are you running? 2.2 Are you using series current limiting resistors? no, using flyback board What are you PWM settings? probably incorrect. What are the right settings? I dont know what I'm doing here. What part of the documentation/manual speaks directly to how these settings are supposed to be set? Which driver is driving what injectors? I dont know what you mean. Everything is setup like in MobyTheVan's sticky except running MSnS Extra. Using Optical dizzy. GM HEI module. I hope this information helps you help me. 2006 convention is coming up and I am running out of time.
  8. No one has any more ideas ? Could I run all injectors on one bank?
  9. I know in Megatune I can select between alternating and simultanious. Did not make a difference when I change between either one. Board was pre-built. I guess in order to test it I would need a stim. What could fry an injector driver?
  10. Got the other issues with my Megasquirt solved-- still trying to start the car. After cranking plugs 1 - 3 would be wet. Plugs 4 - 6 would be dry. All injectors have power, but it seems as if only one bank is firing. Rewired it so Banks 1 and 2 were swapped, now plugs 4 - 6 are wet and plugs 1 - 3 are dry. Certainly seems that only one bank of injectors are firing. Any ideas whats wrong? Car wants to start... we got spark... and we have fuel on half the injectors.
  11. Okay, this is some good information. Formulating a plan of action for the next time I go attempt to start the car. With the thread that badjuju linked I'll be able to verify the jumpers on the relay are right. Mario, where can I download the firmware and find information on how to burn it? My MS came with the firmware preloaded so I'm not familiar with the procedure. GUESSING --> After I reload the I will run megatune and connect to the ECU and read all of the blank-slate settings from the ecu. I'll enter in all the info while connected to the ecu. Then I can try and configure spark and power cycle. Also, I should set the ignition type to HEI (cuz I'm using a GM HEI module) and set the fidle output to spark. Right? Seems pretty straight forward.
  12. I didn't have a basemap for my car when I went to mess with my car the other day, so with as much info as I could download to my laptop I went and attempted to create a base basemap that would start the car. I got the constants set, the enrichments set, etc Starting the car was not a success, but in diagnosing the starting it was found that basically I wasn't getting any spark. Thats when it occurred to me that in MegaTune the pulldown menu for Spark was greyed out. Thats one issue I can't figure out, but there's something else. Going through the config in megatune several times I finally spotted something in the Code Config. I saw a control for FIDLE, with the choices Idle, or Spark. It was set on Idle. Thats when I remembered that the HEI module gets it's signal from the FIDLE output. I switched the FIDLE output setting to Spark and power-cycled. After making that change the MS goes nuts, turning the fuel pump on and off, on and off. Resetting itself I guessed. So I turned the setting back and power cycled again, and the MS comes back, turns on the fuel pump for a few seconds, then sits there happy. The MS reports it's firmware as MSnS-Extra024s11. I have the config in megatune selected to use the MSnS_extra24 ini file. The MS is talking to my laptop, sensors give correct readings, RPMs on the laptop correspond correctly to engine revs when cranking. (curiously though, the mini-terminal does not echo keystrokes like the help manual says it should). I was able to go into Code Config and change the LEDs to show me Spark instead of Squirt, and it was able to burn this change to the ECU without it messing up. When I set the LED to light on Spark, they just stay on all the time-- even when the car is not cranking. Also anyone have wiring diagrams for using the relay board? I'm not clear if I have my relay board jumpered right. Lot of questions I know... The car is so close now but I'm battling with this ECU.
  13. Been looking for a basemap for MSnS_Extra024sXX (dont remember the XX part). Car setup is mostly stock 280zx turbo with a 300zx watercooled turbo on it. Really I just need something that'll start and run and hopefully drive-- so I can drive it home from the shop and tune it more in my driveway. Car is in Fort Worth and I'm in Irving, about a 30-45min drive-- so it's getting tiresome to go all the way over there and then not be able to do anything. btw, I found out why I couldn't talk to the MS before was because my cable was not straight through. Got the right cable now and the laptop can talk to the MS. Reading over the Megamanual tuning chapter again...
  14. My megasquirt is all wired up, and I'm ready to load a base map and stuff-- but megatune won't talk to the MS. As far as I know I have things right on the laptop, COM1, good serial cable, etc. Hook it up, go into Communication settings in Megatune, select COM1, default baud, hit test.... nothing. Also, I am assuming that the MS needs power if you want to talk to it. So I turn the key to ON, I hear the fuel pump run, relays click, Injector light flashes ONCE on the MS-- but no communication. I'm going to check my laptop at work tomorrow. See if I can use the laptop's serial port to communicate with some Cisco network equipment (I know how to talk to a cisco router over serial, so if that doesn't work then I know something is up with my laptop). Any tips? Know of a guide or FAQ I missed that has information I need? This part is supposed to be magical and 'just work'. Of course it never works out that way.
  15. Where can a buy an assembled Flyback Board? I checked the usual places linked from megasquirt.info and can only find unassembled kits, except for RS-autosport which will do a retrofit install and Glenn's Garage which might sell an assembled kit but the website is not clear on whether it comes assembled or not. Anyone know of a source for these?
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