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Posts posted by alissa280z

  1. Hehe, not to side track or anything, but I thought it was Miss Snuk? It's about time you started checking out the forums.


    Hey! This is Miss Snuk ;) Yeah I've been on here more. My project is back on track as you can probably tell from my site.

  2. Hello, I took my block to a friend of a friend mine who worked at an engine shop. He bored my L28 to .30. I did this last year and now it's time to build my engine. The shop has since closed. I see that new pistons are either .50 or 1.0mm for my block. Does anyone sell .30 or do I have to get my block re-bored. :cry:

  3. Is anyone else experiencing their post counts not changing even though they keep making posts? My post count remains at a 4... and I have made more than 4 posts.


    EDIT: Okay, just made a post and now I am up to 5... but its still not accounting for previous posts made in the past few days.

  4. Interesting... I was looking at the same eBay listing and came on here for advice. Cali is a long way from CT and I would prefer a local shop with Z experience, but the eBay listing is still a temping offer. I was looking into buying parts but that might turn out to be just as expensive. Can anyone recommend a shop within 100 miles? I'll drive if it's worth it.

  5. The install was really easy because I used a complete kit from DIYAutotune, and yes I made everything myself. I am using a Keyspan 'USA-19HS' serial adapter and MegaTunix in the latest OS X. Installing MegaTunix can be a little annoying. Basically you need to download a program called Fink and another called Fink Commander which allow you to download and install the other required Unix software. A list of the software you need to install is provided with MegaTunix, but often when you install this software it doesnt automatically install whatever software the new software requires..... So ya, that can be a headach but worth it of course. Check out msefi.com for walkthroughs. I did have to use a program called EasyTherm in windows to calibrate my coolant temp sensor.


    Hi Gavin, I am a mac user and own a 280z as well which I plan on installing Megasquirt in. I hope you don't mind if I contact you in the future if I have some questions. This post has been a great help already!! I found this link on the megasquirt info page.

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