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77 Blule 280z

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Everything posted by 77 Blule 280z

  1. What is a good price fo a 280z Used engine?? I found a guy that has one and he wants me to make him a offer what do they go for?
  2. Oh one more question. This is not a head i want to use to to a turbo right?
  3. OK thats what i thought but he says he toke it of a 240 so i was just makeing sure.
  4. Ok thnak that helps alot! and sorry if this is a dumb question but what is a L28ET conversion? I have seen it said on here but have not been able to find out.
  5. Will L28 N42 head 240Z head work on a 280z head? Found this head and want to see if it will work on a 280? http://seattle.craigslist.org/tac/pts/2531792883.html And is this a good deal?
  6. Cold air intake and biger Throttle Body and 2 1/2 exhaust is it worth it??? I am looking at doing a better Cold air intake and biger Throttle Body and 2 1/2 exhaust on my 77 280z and am trying to find out if it will be worth it??? Let me know what you guys think.
  7. Yeah i got some measurements and i am pretty sure the tires would hit the block lol plus i would have to cut and weld all kinds of stuff in. I think i am just going to go with a 340 i have one of them to.
  8. Yeah i talked to a few friends and they said it would be alot of power for the car.
  9. My new project 77 280z. I bought this z about 6 mouths ago. Have not done any thing to it yet. So i figer i will put pics up and up date it when do stuff to it.
  10. Thanks that helped alot i will see if i can fix the promblem.
  11. Ok looks like i dont want to do it lol thanks for the help.
  12. 77 Blule 280z


    From the album: MY z

  13. 77 Blule 280z

    MY z

  14. 77 Blule 280z


    From the album: MY z

  15. Its the stock l28 77 280z. And its the stock Fuel system that came with the car. I bought the car from the frist owner about six mouths ago. The lady i bought it from said it has ony run over once so if thats true it has 160,000 on the engine. I planed on rebuiled it and geting rid of the few rust spots but if i have to do the engine stuff frist. I toke pics of my engine and of a spark plug. And the one with the black on the concret wall is back up to it and the exhust left that on the wall.
  16. I think it oil. But it dose smell like it is burning rich.
  17. The plugs are black thats why i think its oil. All six plugs are black. I dont know the compression. Its got a kind of blue look to the smoke and when i rev it up it shoots black soot out spots on the ground.
  18. Hi i am geting oil blow buy on my spark pulgs. Dose any one think it might be something else them the piston rings? My car also idles at 1000 rpms for like a min then drops down below 500 rpms. I know i need to rebuild the engine so dose any one know where the best place to get a rebuild kit for a 77 280z?
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