well tried turning the cas 180 car ran ok but still didn't work right. I took the old girl for a ride today and did more tuning and i had to advance the timing according to the haltech to make it run right. It was actually retarding it so something is not right either with the cas or the way the cas is hooked to the haltech. I got a little detonation today so i let off but it runs much stronger and the boost spools up much better. The throttle cable slid in the holder when i was going for my second run so i only had 1/4 throttle wich scared the crap outta me . i stopped and fixed it and she ran much better. Another problem i am having and might be linked to the cas is the tach, with any adapter i have bought so far they dont work. I did hook it to the haltech today and the same thing happends revs to about 4500 and then drops out. i did get it up to 6k on the tach when tuning it but it did alot of jumping around. Anyone have a spare cas for sale? also i have two tach adapters for sale an autometer one and the msd one pm me if you are interested