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A bit of inspiration for you guys hard at it A former 250 GTO owner put together this wonderful short film on his experiences: www.carandgarage.com/watch.php?v_id=1066 along with the following article: www.ferrarilife.com/library/view_article.php?id=3 He is also discussing his experiences: www.ferrarilife.com/forums/showthread.php?p=62350#... It's all evocative stuff - some nice comparisons of the varying details of the cars showing that there is no 'standard' layout! Seems once the GTO's in your blood it never washes out.
Actually it's built already, LOL! I wish I could say Norwood but it's a Noble P4 - there are a couple your side of the pond. A few trim bits to do but built and owned by a race team manager - everything, but everything is aeroquiped and seems to have back up systems. I haven't seen one jubilee clip yet, lol! Alledged to have hit 185 at Rockingham Speedway over here *gulp*
So long guys and best of luck with all your builds - I found 'my' car in the end, it's just not a GTO though. It is from the same stable and decade of endurance racing though - a Ferrari P4 replica - picking it up on Friday and can't wait. Best, Scott
Congratulations Chelle - nice bit of recognition for all the hard work. http://www.autoblog.com/2007/06/24/replica-mutt-nissan-280z-based-ferrari-260-gto-with-a-bmw-v12/
Scratch the UK - you can buy L539s from finish line in the states http://www.finishlineaccessories.com/catalog/product_info.php?cPath=3&products_id=181 Amber, red or clear @ $29 each - that's better!
L539's look like an easily available, very close bet - the lens shape is very acurate but needs the 4 little wings grinding off (only plastic so should be achievable). Doesn't have the two external screws though.
Well now those are what's on that red GTO - which just happens to be in Holland! obviously there's a supply of those lights kicking around there. L691 lights on a Scorpion GTZ (most UK cobras use these as front indicators) :
Can't blame me for asking!
BFO - don't worry, was only really after a quick "yes still looks the biz" type thing - wasn't after detail Not sure how Ian will take an email from a POM - When I was selling my cobra I had a couple of mails from Germany which to be fair I never treated as particularly serious. Just double checking with DVLA here that I'm not going to get into any SVA wrangles (SVA's a test applied to kit built and radically altered cars and it can be a nightmare) - that could spell the death knell for any importation.
Pictures!!! Hey Speed, whilst getting quotes for car shipping from USA and Australia look what I found http://www.rjjfreight.co.uk/htm/Vehicle.htm About halfway down the page on RHS - now doesn't that look familiar?!! See? Your car is destined to come to the UK! (seriously, if you'd consider sale let me know)
Cheers BFO - seems to be a straight 6 turbo soarer donk. I've mailed Ian - waiting to hear back. Just out of interest, have you seen the car recently? From the article on site it looks like it was done in 1999 so wondering whether it's beginning to show it's age.
Got quotes coming in for shipping from US - perhaps I should get some quotes for Oz as well (RHD is a bonus). Really does sound a good deal from these shores anyway - I guess it was the ID kit? Are there any Ozzie web sites I should keep an eye on for potential goats? Cheers PS Love the 260 2+2 with roo bars on it! PPS That cobra made all it's money - not particularly nice imho
I can't believe this sold for $36K AUS - that's only £15K!!! Oh well, at least I'm finally ready for whatever comes up next now my cobra's sold....
Not necesarily the right place to post I know but as this is the GTO thread....I'm now ready to buy a GTO rep - yes I'm based in the UK but I'd be happy to import the right car Looking specifically for door lock (trunk'd would be nice but not essential) converted car, cheers Scott
You could have a look at www.longstonetyres.co.uk for ideas - they specialise in historic style tyres (also supply genuine Borranis ironically!) - they have specific pages for Ferrari etc. tyres Look out for Avon CR6's (radials) - they're a fantastic looking tyre - very popular with GT40 (originals) brigade (they sold out completely during lead up to Le Mans classic, LOL!). A friend has them on his cobra rep and they have unbelievable amounts of grip plus look utterly superb - you may hear arguments about short life through wear, well I can only go off what I've seen of his tyres and they don't look like they're wearing quickly. Also have a look at Michelin XWX (radials)
OMG - 1st and 6th pics are simply awesome. What a totally stunning car. Totally stunning.
Saving my pennies now, LOL! - you'll help me out with shipping to UK right?
Jesus H Christ! $80K?! - California dreaming for sure! (wasn't a GTZ turnkey $25K/$30K?) And is it me or does the rear stripe look like it's on the piss? and hasn't he mounted the side indicators way too high on the wing........ and doesn't the vent behind the rear wheels look odd......
Nice pic - very useful comparison tool. Very interesting to note that it's not the really the wheelbase that makes the difference but the length of the nose after the front wheels - severely lacking on the Zgoat - is really what makes it look so much stubbier. It's missing the 'duck bill'. It's a similar tale at the back - the rear overhang on the real GTO is more than the Zgoat. I think correction of those two points would go a long way to improving the resemblence. Also agree that lowering helps disguise the 'thickness' of the zgoat. That and the windscreen rake which is more upright on real gto giving the bonnet more length. (I'd still have speeds car at the drop of a hat though!!!) *EDIT* Just been looking at the GTZ shown below (on the omsportscars site) - unfortunately there's no side on view but even from this angle it's clear they've extended the front and rear overhangs and amended the vent placement. It's quite a bit more acurate than the one above and the impression of additional length is very apparent.
That's just the angle of the photo - there's nothing outta line on that car . I don't think the Boranis could take Speed's V8 - his torque would kill 'em!
She's gowgeous! Only info I've seen came up in this thread on UK Z forum, look at post number 34: http://www.zclub.net/forum/showthread.php?t=4930&page=3 Perhaps you can speak to the z farm (UK Z Specialists about the set-up?)
Erm, don't know how to break it to you Boy from Oz, but the car above is not real, it's a Z based replica . . . with real Boranis . . . and reprofiled roof line . . . and locking nose vent cover plates . . .etc! He's a member of the Italian replica Club in the UK
Zerrari - picked this up from priceofhistoys.com posted by Tom himself (bit of debate about the Vanilla Sky car) but sounds like he's out of the loop: "sorry to inform all of you out there but the blue gto replica used in vanilla sky was infact not a car from scorpionzcars, i would know this fact because i was the owner and founder of scorpionzcars ( tom ) now oliver ownes scorpionzcars found at OMsportscars.com . sorry i do not know any further info about that car except it was not used enough in the film" Tom And just for Duke, that UK GTO
That's a long discontinued kit car called the Carlton Carrera. Nothing to do with a 240 apart from passing resemblance I'm afraid - it was based on Ford Cortina / Jaguar running gear. Owners club is here http://www.carltonownersclub.com/