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Posts posted by mason4300

  1. Hey guys, they carry these at Frys Electronics in the toy section (at least at my store, they do) I picked one up. Was happy to see them there, since I couldn't find them anywhere else.

  2. This is a terrible thing to have happen, my condolences to the guy...:-(


    I wonder what exactly happened here, the Z is had more than just the average "rear-ender," it's destroyed. Was he parked on the side of the road when the truck hit him?

  3. hahaha! nice, hadn't seen your plates here before. I'm getting new plates next week, probably gonna be "mason43". can't revoke those, hopefully. Some asshat will probably whine about the use of the word "mason" and say it offends them...:fmad:



    by the way, you don't have a pic of them, do you? My friend likes plate pics.

  4. I play Forza 1. I don't have an xbox 360, so I don't have Forza 2, even though it came out a few days ago. Can't wait to be able to play it, even though I'm a bit disappointed with their car list. they got rid of the fairlady!! :(


    my live account is mason43. if anyone wants to do a hybridZ night on Live, I'm game.

  5. Mason, perhaps you should read/reread the first paragraph

    in Mike's announcement, and then offer him (and all at HybridZ) an apology.


    I misunderstood the join date part of his comment. I thought he meant the join-date for the actual testing venture, not the forum date. Sorry about that. I apologize to any offended.

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