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417 Motorsports

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  1. Maybe I missed something, what's the issue with the passenger side mount and bolt? Blake Ps glad the psi harness worked out for you guys mike!
  2. I still have 4 sets of these here. If you are interested in purchasing a set please email me @ 417motorsports@gmail.com
  3. I will have to look at his modifications but I'm sure they can be modified yes
  4. Hello everyone, This entire process has taken entirely to long HOWEVER.... You should all have your headers by now. I know the list that was recently posted was not correctly updated as i have checked all tracking numbers and all sets have been delivered. As you have already seen there is no gaskets included with the headers. I apologize for that, however the original arrangement and pricing was based on 20 sets being sold. After we had 19 COMMITTED buyers I spoke with 1tuffz and told him I would be able to go ahead with the project but would have to source the gaskets cheaper as the factory sets would have cost to much and cut into the already minimal profit margins due to the full group buy not being met. After another member of the community backed out leaving us with only 18 buyers there was no way to provide factory gm gaskets with the headers. There have been ha few issues that have arose along the way but those have been resolved to the best of my ability i am sorry if some of you do not feel the same. It looks like the headers are proving to be well worth the wait looking at the dyno numbers david has posted after only a bolt on and go with no retune. I would be very curious to see what a tune would gain along with the 2 members that opted for merge collectors over the already significant jump vs the shorty headers that the community was limited to before. I wish we would have caught the starter issue when we were building and designing the prototype headers as it would have been an easy fix. The remaining sets i have here will be modified before they are assembled and sold. -RebekahsZ, glad you like the final product! -Joemama, Just as I contacted/text you before you headers were even delivered, I had seen that I forgot to box your clamps and other half to the vband flanges. They should be arriving shortly. Also when we spoke on the phone you even asked if your headers were ceramic coated, I told you they were not, and you had no issue. There was only 2 members that paid to get theirs coated. I even went back and looked at the paypal transactions to confirm it so a refund could be issued had you paid for it. There's no need to come on here and act surprised when you opened your box when we had already discussed this on the phone 2 days prior and I had contacted you regarding your flanges. If you remember I spoke to a third party when your initial order was placed and not directly to you. -alainburon, again im sorry about all the bs, glad you like the headers. thank you, Blake Hughes
  5. Hello Guys, Ive been lurking and watching this thread from time to time and have seen all the questions and concerns and tried to address them all during the build. Its been nice working with David and Jossie on the project. You all have a great member to take it upon himself to put together something like this and help the entire community not to mention a member that gave up 6 months of what could have been drive time, to donate his car. I cannot apologize enough for the amount of time this has taken. I know it was ALOT longer then anticipated, but as David had mentioned we are a small shop that doesn't get into much production runs like we did for this application and some of the delays were out of my hands. Most of you should have your headers by now with the exception of a few which should be leaving shortly (due to coatings). As some of you have noticed the headers are a squeeze and very tight in some areas but rest assured they DO fit LOL just stick to the instructions. I now know why all the others have failed and have not came through with the past promises!!! I will go ahead and address the questions about the cylinder #2 primary tube. This tube WAS purposely welded on the outside of the runner only due to the fitment of the way the tube met the flange. If you look at the tube closely you will notice that the cut was not made square to the tangent of the bend and therefor did not allow the tube to slide into the flange like the rest of the tubes. There is no need to have this welded on the inside also, and if this is done it could cause premature failure due to thermal expansion. The same reason the outside of the rest of the tubes are only welded for a short area on the outside while the inside is welded 100%. If you have any more questions please feel free to ask, and I will check back shortly. I am still working on a resolution to the gaskets and if this falls through i will just issue a credit back to the buyers. Cheers Blake Hughes Btw im a fellow LSX 240 owner, its just a few years newer 370", 11:1, e85, 91.5mm, PTC,F.A.S.T, Glide, 9"
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