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Everything posted by DatsunRod

  1. Building a Race car and I know this is short notice BUT... I need a Set of wheels for My 1977 280 Z. The Car has flares so I can Run Most Offsets.. ( +10 Through -19 ) Looking for 17" wheels. Will Settle on 16" if I have to. NO 15 or 14 Wheels !! I will send Paypal or what ever is needed , Will drive upto 200 miles or will pay for shipping !! I need them by Next Wedensday !!! Would perfer without tires !! Dont want to pay extra for tires that Will NOT be used.. My Price Range is up to $900 Depending on the wheels and if they have to be shipped or if I can pick them up.. Please send me pictures , location of the wheels , Price , and a way to contact you... LET ME SAY THIS , I AM NOT A KID LOOKING FOR SOMETHING WITH NO MONEY.. I NEED WHEELS FOR A SHOW AND FOR MY RACE CAR . CASH IN HAND !!! Thanks for your time.. Rod HotRods Datsun Parts Gainesville Ga 30507 404.374.5498 RustyDatsunRacing Optima Batterys ChumpCar world Series Race Team Follow us on Facebook!!
  2. the Pertronix had a weak spark and wouldn't fire the high compression motor.. the Crane crapped out but not before the Dyno Showed the Module moving around at 5000+ and causing a miss at top end.. the Stock electronic with the GM HEI Module , it ran great until I cut on other Electronics and the Module Fried ?? it fried 3 that weekend... It is a Race Car , Wired from scratch with only the Basics.. Rod
  3. Looking for a 4 barrel Intake For My L28 Engine swap... Would Prefer one that Looks Close to a stock Appearing Intake... No Polished !! And I have had nothing but issues with Distributors.... Ive ran a 240Z Points with Pertronix , a 240Z with the Crane.. and a 78' 280Z with the HEI Module.. All have not lasted one full 8 hour Race! !!! I was told to Find a Malaroy Electronic Distributor or a Custom 280ZX ??? I just want an Ignition that Does NOT have Issues and Will Last for a few 8 hour endurance Races... Text Me @ 404 - 374 - FIVE 4 NINE 8 with what you Have OR Email me @ M I S C M E C H A N I C @ A O L . COM Thanks.. Rod
  4. Im looking for a L28 from a Maxima. I was told, yet never seen one but there suppose to be front Sump Engines... I have an L28 rear sump in My 1968 Datsun 510 now and the Oil Pan That was fab'd By a Less Qualified Person isn't cutting it.. I was told I can Drill the front pick up out and Plug the Mid Pick up... Not sure.. even if so, I need the Front Sump Pan.... Whatch Got ?? Datsun Rod.. Miscmechanic @ A O L . C O M
  5. I only need the pass kick / fuse pannel cover and the long piece under the glove box... price and shipping to 30507 Rod
  6. $250 is a little much.. my harness is perfect , every connector is clean and tight except that 1 spot. thanks any way.
  7. 1977 280Z pass side under dash trim needed for my car.. also... ( so I don't post many things ) I need strut inserts if available in good- great condition good Radio with Knobs and not a CD Player ! Dont want to butcher my trim! the wiring and plugs and relays from the pass side engine bay for the fuel pump and what ever else was there.. ( someone used crimps and cut it all up and spliced it all together and now theres a switch in the ash tray to turn on the fuel pump.. Err... )) Ive looked at my 75 parts car and a 78' in the PAP and there different... *** possibly some carpet if its in my price range or someone wants to trade parts for it !! My black carpet is junk and so is my rear hatch carpet.. let me know what you have... what you want for it.... and where your located.... email me @ MiscMechanic @ A O L . C O M thanks for your time
  8. From the album: MY DATSUNS.... AND FRIENDS....

    my true 411 paint code 1977 280z ZZAP !
  9. DatsunRod


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