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Everything posted by pdinnell

  1. The ones i have in stock are the s12 w. Im sure i can get you anything you want.
  2. I work at lordco auto parts in steveston, richmond b.c. and we can get them as a fenco rebuilt. about $70.00 canadian each. The ones i put on my car were new castings in the rebuilt box from a 91 toyota 4x4.
  3. I'm using short strand kitty hair to fill my moulding holes, made by evercoat. It's not porous, after that a skim of bondo and it will never bubble.
  4. This engine is in there tight, but i didn't have to cut anything.
  5. How about this one grumpy. Hope to have it finished this year.
  6. pdinnell


    472 caddy z
  7. p i found this pic of a big block chev with an oval air filter.
  8. thats just to keep the dust out for now. thats all i had around the shop. i work at a auto parts store in canada. so i don't have a problem trying different air filters. i ordered a nice looking oval one but i will have to cut an oval in the hood. im trying to keep it as stock looking as i can. when i put the hood back on then i'll see which is the best fit.
  9. a guy i work with is putting a 302 with t5 in a 94 tbird and had the same problem. he made an adaptor but you can buy one. here's the link. http://www.mn12performance.com/mn12parts/shifterbox.html
  10. thats it its off to the garage to yank the 472 and install a 500 c.i.d. my buddy b.s.'d me on the 472 h.p. specs. thats tha last time i pay $200.00 for an engine off him. check out the 70 eldo specs. http://100megsfree4.com/cadillac/cad1970/cad70e.htm i could have used one of them but i could'nt figure out how to hook up the f.w.d.
  11. i just got my drive shaft back yesterday. i used a turbo 400 front yoke and a 1310 rear yoke the 1310 is a 369 percision. small g.m (outside clip). the front is a 534g medium g.m. ( inside clips).
  12. the 500 cad engine has a longer stroke, more torque,less h.p. i went with the highest h.p. cad engine. 1969 eldorado 375 h.p. 500 ft lbs torque. i share rent of a garage with a caddy freak. he had a bunch of 500's, 472's, 425's 368's sitting around. at first i was going to make a short stroke cad engine using a 368 crank but it has the same stroke as the 472, less bore. this engine is only 100 lbs heavier than a small block chev 625lbs. i hope to have it running this week. i'm just on my way to get my gas tank back from refurbishing. i,ll take more pics today.
  13. i'm sure the hood should close if i get a low air cleaner. the carb sits a few inches below the fender line.
  14. thanks for the comments. the car has a th400 with the stock 3.54 r200 diff. might be a litle high geared for a cad motor but it'll get there quick. its just going to be a fun street car. the engine fits in without any butchering. i gave the tranny tunnel a little massage with a ball peen for shifter linkage clearance. the stock exhaust manifolds are from a coup deville. the right side is turned backwards because the stock one would need the firewall moved. the motor mounts are stock caddy, if i moved the engine back two inches they would almost sit in the stock motor mount holes but i didnt like the motor that close to the firewall. i just made spacer plates to space the motor forward. it sits abought 4" from the firewall. the tranny mount i used the stock datsun with the ends cut off and 1 1/2" square tubing welded to extend it to 4"x4" sguare plates bolted to the tunnel. im going to get a drive shaft made tomorrow. hopfully ill have it fired up this week.
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