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Posts posted by HE SAL

  1. No such thing, not in Miami at least. Body Shops down here are more concerned about the quick turnaround jobs like crashed cars purchased at Auto Auction. Our car take too much time to do right. A shop can do multiple Auction Cars in the time it takes to do one Z Car. If you want a Butcher Job done on your car ( rust spots on Floor Boards Fiber Glassed over, mucho Bondo on body etc. ) take your chances with these shops. I guarantee you will not be happy......and you will pay a lot for that unhappiness.



  2. I have 2 T5 Transmissions out of 280ZX Turbos. Not a direct swap for a S30 Z though. Driveshaft have to be modified to fit as it's a different size and length. $400.00 each picked up. Located in Miami.





  3. Any good engine builders for l28et in south florida?im really thinking of going l28et if I can find a reliable builder in south florida.


    Although Miami maybe considered a foreign country by the rest of America truth be told it's still the deep south. Chevy and Fords rule.

    You take your chances taking your Datsun Engine to the local Machine Shop for a rebuild. Your best bet would be to hook up with guys from the local Honda scene and find out where they get their work done.



  4. Maybe you had a bad experience with a Z club, but really they're still your best resource for parts and information in any area. There's nothing better than hands on.  I'd recommend you still go take a look. If you don't like how it's run, then instead of turning your back, I would challenge you to get involved and make improvements in your local club so that other people don't get turned off and that we can keep more Z cars on the road. There's a lot of benefits to being in a Z club.



    You misunderstood me. My problem is not with the management of any particular Z Club per say but with the anal retentive members, in particular the owners of the newer 350Zs and 370Zs who, seems to make up ( 60% to 70% locally ) the majority of members since the older Zs are harder to find.

    Don't get me wrong, a Z Car is a Z Car regardless of vintage but it gets tiring after awhile listening to these guys prattle on about how big a Turbo they have on their engines and how much horsepower they have, then when the question is asked " Well.....how much horsepower do you need and how much is enough ? " They look at you crazy like you just insulted their mothers.


    I yearn for a group of like minded guys coming together to exchange ideas, parts and the dedication to keeping these older cars viable and roadworthy hence....... the call out to Miami S30 owners.

  5. I can attest to the fact that there are a lot more Zs in the Central Florida region than down here in South Florida. I see them whenever I attend a race in Sebring. This was not always the case. Up until 2002 18 to 24 Z Cars, 510s and Roadsters would regularly migrate from all corners of the Miami and Ft Lauderdale area to congregate at my house Saturdays to work on stuff they could not at their Apartments and Houses. Once a week my street looked like a Datsun Dream Garage. When all the fixings were done we would caravan to the local All You Can Eat Pizza Joint. It was a sight to see the procession of all those Datsuns going down the road. Those were great Datsun times but unfortunately.....it came to an end. Guys got married, guys moved away, guys lost interest. I am the only one of the group still waving the DATSUN Flag. One great thing that came of those guys dropping out was that I was able to attain all their Stock and unique Racing parts and cars. At one stage I had 12 S30 Zs and 510s in my back yard. I have since thinned the herd down to 2 Zs, a '74 Fairlady and a 510.


    I am in the Miami Gardens area, 5 minutes from Dolphin Stadium. If you want to stop by some day email me at zdemon@bellsouth.com for the address.



  6. If the Dowels were tight I would be ecstatic...... I could easily drill them out but no........ bolt holes are off in all orientations, not only that but Pressure Plate overhangs the Flywheel which according to Dave is not a problem. I don't know about that........

  7. Has anyone had problems fitting a Arizona ZCar Pressure Plate to a 225mm Flywheel. I was told by Dave that this plate would work with either the 225mm or 240mm Flywheel but in reality it does not. He is adamant that it will fit and as anyone who has had dealings with him in the past knows, he is thick headed and will not be convinced otherwise.





  8. I have a Nissan Comp 5spd ( dont know what option )  that is in need of a rebuild, is there anyone in the US with experience with these transmissions who would be able to rebuild it ?  Your help would be greatly appreciated.





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