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Posts posted by BRSanko

  1. I saw someone asking about fenders, saying they weren't listed on the site. For those who don't know "wings" is Britspeak for fenders. Oh yeah I'm curious, if someone built a complete car using all of your parts and everything else stock, what would the weight savings be? And what is the price for the complete kit, shipping and import aside?

  2. Is there some reason your "table" doesn't list O.E.M. parts and weights next to the weight of the part(s) you replaced them with? This isn't a table, it's a series of lists that one must read through and struggle with to extract any meaningful information. I will do this and post a spreadsheet that actually show a "table" of comparisons so that one can actually use it at a glance.

  3. The rear mounted turbo seems to have far more disadvantatges than advantages. The main one in my mind would be that the exhaust would cool down considerably, thereby reducing exhause pressure, thereby reducing the amount of boost to be extracted. I guess the big question to me would be why do you want to do that? I have looked on Car-part.com and found turbo manifolds for like $75, all that piping and such would be sure to run you in the $100s.

  4. You could switch to a fiberglass subwoofer enclosure (I could build you a tiny lightweight one that would outperform anything you've heard)locate it just behind the seats and move the amp and other gear to under the seats or dash, one doesn't really need (or want) rear speakers in a two seat car, so you could get rid of those an in lieu of them install super lightweight, horn loaded, super efficient speakers in front(I also have a lightweight fantastic design for these).

    I keep hearing conflicting reports about LS weight. One source said the block alone was 450lbs(the quoted weight of the L6s) and others claim that's the entire engine. Based on this I've decided on a L28ET build, but if you've actually weighed your car with both configurations that can't be the case. I am seriously reconsidering my options. I've just realized how old this post is, who knows if you even still have the same car.

  5. Hello I would like to build a V8z and have been watching ebay for both cars and engines. I would like about 300Hp or so, and a one winter project would be ideal. The big thing for me is that handling is really more important to me than power so I don't want a big ship anchor in the engine bay. I've been looking at the options out there and there isn't much information about how much engines weigh and which ones are the lightest. Any info would be great.

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