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Everything posted by Coopz

  1. Fitted these to a 240z. No need for attaching strap just 2 PK's through inner doorskin. Unsure what manufacturer but note the lack of protruding section on these actuators. Edit: Rhino Co Tecnology CLKHD Heavy duty central locking kit. Hooked to Viper alarm and DZ Start button for full keyless entry and starting.
  2. Thanks for the info. Picture doesn't really show the issue but the exhaust runner from cylinder 6 is directly over the block drain plug and is fairly snug to the block. I'm back to using the previous manifold water pipe from the other side of the engine as the return and am feeding from the thermo housing.
  3. Block coolant drain plug is blocked by the exhaust manifold. "make a spacer block for the water inlet to the water pump" Any more details or pics of such a spacer?
  4. L28NA to ET build in progess. Was planning to feed coolant to the turbo using a branch from the heater feed like the original SU manifold coolant route but getting 3/4" braided hose down to a 5"8 barb and -6AN looks nasty. Then noticed the unused thermistor fitting hole between cylinder 5 and 6 in the P90 head. Any opinions on using this as the turbo coolant feed?
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