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Everything posted by The_Rookie

  1. Car not staying on. AFM is good, fuel pump is new, fuel filter is new, comes on then dies right out. Only been able to start it with starter fluid. I'm assuming maybe vacuum leak? Help, I'm so close.
  2. Fuel pump is bad. When I put power to it there's just a click and nothing else.
  3. All great advice, haven't gotten around to any of it because I'm getting the whole front assembly new on my car. Calipers were bad, pistons got stuck on them and brake pads were out of there. Just got my rotors turned, going to try and find the s12 calipers since I've already upgraded to a 15/16 bore master cylinder. Then I can get the front back on the ground and check out the fuel pump through the back. But I will certainly keep you guys updated as soon as I try anything, for the benefit of the community. When you learn, you earn.
  4. Thanks guys! Will try some of these things I can do on my own to my knowledge, hopefully figure it out. I'm sure it's just the fuel pump went out or bad relays. I'll keep you guys updated!
  5. What would be best option to replace the terminal relays by the battery? I've seen a write up for an upgraded more modern relay system but I don't know if it's affordable for me at the moment.
  6. Couldn't I just get two wires connected to negative and postive of the battery and touch them on the fuel pump connections to test it?
  7. @Phantom What fuse would it be? @NewZed For some reason it's either not getting power, or just not turning on. The fuel pump installed right now is loud enough to hear when it's completely silent. How else could I test it?
  8. Tested the fuel pump. Was working last weekend. Engine wanted to start up, I've never seen it run. Fuel pump doesn't come on anymore. I've already cleaned out my tank really good.
  9. 1977 280z. What I mean is up until last night it didn't want to turn on. I tested it just last weekend to make sure it was working and it was. I don't know if it might just be acting up, but it never does that. I have not seen this car run, I'm the second owner to it. Previous owner let it just sit outside his barn on a trailer.
  10. So I know it could be as simple as a search but I can't find much so I guess I'd prefer straight on help from you guys. I have everything in my car, just got a new optima red top and terminals seem to be good. For some reason last night when I tried to start it up after 26 years of sitting (as I was told) it just cranked and cranked but didn't start. My fuel pump for some reason was not turning on and I know it's not a bad fuel pump because it was just working a few days ago and I replaced it myself. The wiring is all good, but it still doesn't turn on. Tried starter fluid but car won't stay on since it's not getting any fuel. Could it be my fuel pump actually went bad for some reason, or could it be my relays or any other electrical thing? The engine is getting everything but fuel and that's all this Zed needs to come back to life! Someone please get the HBO special and help a brotha out!
  11. Could the lines off a 280zx possibly bolt right in? I've found 2 donor cars but are only 280zx's and was hoping they might fit.
  12. Where could I get replacement brake lines that go into the Brake Master Cylinder? I've looked everywhere and it just shows steel braided brake lines and not the ones that I need. I had to cut the lines because the bolts on my MC were too worn down and there was no chance of them coming off.
  13. So I read that the Nissan cmopany built these cars to where they were able to interchange parts with other Nissan cars. Could a Master Cylinder from a 93 240sx fit my 77 280z? Also what kind of store would I go to for brake lines to be restored?
  14. Yea, sorry just the name describes me. No and I didn't want to wear down the screws on the injector holders. But! Wasn't really any need to yet since I replaced all the hoses and it's leaking from only the place I forgot to put a clamp on haha. But so far I discovered that I'm going to need new master cylinders. I have no idea if the brake fluid might've gone bad in the clutch too (if it does) cuz it was all like sand in the Reservoirs to both master cylinders. Any rubber lines I should worry about leading to the clutch and brakes that might be bad?
  15. Dang. So now it's time forrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr?
  16. Also how can I bleed the lines? The car has no fluids in the master cylinder and the clutch and brake pedal just go straight in with no resistance whatsoever. What could be the problem? Did I really need to order a new clutch kit?
  17. Tank is clean, pump is good, fuel lines are all leaking all across the injectors and fuel rails. Working on replacing them now but the screws for the injectors are so tought they won't budge a bit!
  18. Haven't taken off the old pump yet, should I worry about all the gas leaking out or just a little?
  19. Well the tank is clean and I know this because I just cleaned it myself spotless. The problem should be the pump because we put a power source to it and no sound. So I already found an OEM replacement not too far from me for $50 (includes fuel pump, damper, and bracket) so I'ma go ahead and try that then if not I'll get my fuel lines cleaned out.
  20. Well, what's good and not overpriced?
  21. No fuel getting through the lines. Fuel pump isn't on.
  22. So I got it to crank and start up but there's no fuel getting to the engine. The only way it stayed on was with constant spray of starter fluid, there is current getting to the fuel pump but it's not turning on. What could it be? Should I get a new fuel pump? Where and which fuel pump should I get?
  23. It was the pop of destiny, and yeah I didn't know what one of them was but it's the one for the windshield wipers I figured it out. Only reason I was confused is because it wasn't connected.
  24. Someone help a brotha out and fill me in on anything I should be worried about on an l28
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