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Posts posted by RedFoxSi

  1. i want a r200 diff to swap in to a 260z .. i dont really want to spend alot.

    also if you live in northern California it would be a plus.. i think the one i would need would be from a 280z or a 280zx

    please let me know what the final drive is also.. thank you

  2. sadly i have a v 8 that only likes to go to 5700 rpm so my 4 only goes to 112 mph and the over drive goes to 172mph if that gives you an idea how annoying it is

    please let me know if you want to sell it or if the turbo 280zx auto has a 3.35 that would be nice to know also

  3. i have a v8 swap and i was wanting better gearing for road racing.. for a r200 thank you let me know how much you want for it

    for the diff or just the gears ok


    3.35 or taller like a 3.11 or something


    Jon email me at ----- jdmitchell308@gmail.com

  4. First of all im new to posting on here i have found this forum to be a great place for information on these wonderful cars.


    and i have finally found one for myself i am a owner of a 1971 240z pics down below. B)


    i have however a question.. the brake masters on these cars . i have a s30 made in 10/1970.


    but i noticed the difference in price of the 70 and 72 brake master to be huge.


    one is like $180-220 and the later one is like $80 ish. pic of master on car is below






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