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1979280zx last won the day on May 15 2010

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About 1979280zx

  • Birthday 02/11/1987

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    Hudson NC

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  1. Just got back from the track ran a 7.52 @ 91mph
  2. Dont no what it weighs an yea it holds 15psi to redline
  3. Just got back from the track went a 7.71 at 90.97mph
  4. Have to put a clutch in it now it dont like the extra power
  5. Last night I ran a 8.6 at 86mph in the 1/8mile on 15psi
  6. It all the na stuff with a rrfpr an 280zx turbo injectors
  7. Got a new time on the car 10.47 at 73mph at 5psi of boost. What should I run the timing at to run 15psi of boost.I have a n42 block with dished pistons an a p90 head now.I know my compression is lower now so just wanted to ask.
  8. I got that problem figured out. The thing now is you rev the car an it stay at 3000rpm an you have to shut it down an restart it again to get it to idle
  9. the car is a 1979 datsun 280zx. it is a na engine with a t3/ t4 turbo. the car just started doing this never had it happen before. at 5 pounds of boost I get 65 pounds of fuel pressure. I am running a msd 6al ignition box. I have the timing is set at 22 degrees advance.
  10. Title says it all its got me stomped boost hits at 3000 rpm an it dies an will not pull anymore
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