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Posts posted by CPLGDR

  1. Sorry for the slow response. Forgot about this thread!!


    Anyway, thanks for the great responses. I don't know what my budget will be (come summer), although I can be pretty sure it won't be more than $6000 - and that depends entirely on the exchange rate.


    And thanks Daeron, that was enlightening. Your point about suspension is very true. I understand that the stock gearbox and clutch are good for a fair bit more than the 150 SAE HP that the engine can deliver, but I shall definitely do some work on the suspension. I just want to budget that after I budget the engine work... which is probably a huge mistake.

  2. 16lz6n5.jpg


    The colour on this one is fantastic, got any more pics?




    This one also looks great, it seems hard to find a picture of a car with proper neutral lighting. But those two look great.


    My car is currently silver, which means it looks like every other sports car out there =P. Shame, the original (and the engine bay) is that brown colour. Rust brown, lol.

  3. Hey guys. Just wondering what some of you thought about the idea of the car being painted in Yellow.


    It's something I'm toying with alongside the mechanical refresh, and the idea of yellow cropped up whilst reading an old article in Octane magazine on the Ferrari Daytona






    The colour is called 'Giallo Fly' and it is seems quite dark. I noticed a few styling similarities between the BRE Datsun 240Z, especially if you had the headlight covers painted over in the same colour as the body.






    Sorry for the large images! Anyone got any thoughts on dark yellow? Too brash maybe? I had a look for some online, but couldn't find much.

  4. OK, thanks. Yeah, I guess I don't really have any problems getting an L28ET, are they easy to find? I had a look around, didn't really have much luck.


    My only other question would be, obviously it is possible to create your own turbo set up if you wanted to: would it make more sense to do that if you were going to go for a setup that was more powerful than the stock L28ET? Such as an upgraded i/c, megasquirt, uprated injectors, bigger turbo etc. etc? Or is the L28ET ALWAYS a better starting point?


    I quite like the idea of plumbing the whole thing in myself and the challenge of creating my own build from scratch. I guess either way I'd better go and get that 'Maximum Boost' book and memorise it hehe...

  5. Hey Guys,


    I believe this is my first post here, so hello to you all. :)


    I'll try and keep this brief. I have done my best to search through the forums for answers to my specific questions, but actually, I think I'm looking for opinions rather than specific answers.


    The situation is this: I have two Z-cars, both S30s. One of them is a 1973 240Z. To summarise as quickly as possible:


    • Later, flat-top SUs
    • 5-Speed Gearbox
    • 60A Ammeter (Presumably that means an uprated Alternator ;)
    • Excellent condition valvetrain...
    • ...yet abysmally poor (and inconsistent) compression
    • Fair amount of rot
    • Very poor condition interior
    • Cracked Brake / Clutch Master Cylinder
    • Absolute non-runner


    Then there is the 'replacement' Z, which is a 1972 240Z:


    • Good engine compression
    • Solid Interior
    • Very little rot
    • Roundtop SUs
    • 45A Ammeter
    • Very weedy airbox
    • 4-Speed Gearbox
    • Solid runner - managed an 8-hour journey (over 500 miles) in one day, no problems


    The other backstory - the two cars reside with my Uncle (car fanatic with a HUGE Workshop) in NM, USA. I'm in London at the moment, where I live. I'm going to go and 'collect' the '72 this coming summer.


    So my question for you experts is: what the hell do I do to it? :D

    I've spend ages thinking and thinking about how to best use my uncle's workshop / time / enthusiasm, but it seems like every option has a caveat! I'd love to chuck in a huge Chevvy V8, but that would cause insurance issues over in the UK, and more importantly, I kind of want mine to stay reasonably faithful to the original. So I really want to stick with the L24, but then I keep waking up in cold sweats at the thought of having just 150HP at my disposal! I'd love to do some 'minor' mods to it, but everyone seems to think that the first step to modding a 240Z is to chuck away the L24, and replace it with an L28E! While this does make good sense, I dunno... I kind of like the L24...


    So if I had two questions, they would be: 'Is getting rid of the L24 REALLY the only way to make 'more' horsepower?' and 'What can I do to mod the car whilst staying true to its original form?' JDM mirrors? :)


    Anyway, sorry for the long post. Here's a picture of the car as thanks for reading all that =P :



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