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Everything posted by Travb2007

  1. if it were ran like that how long would it last?
  2. a drill bit that broke off my drill when I was drilling out a bolt on the exhaust side of the turbo
  3. oh it is a ball bearing water cooled model by garrett .63 compressor and exhaust housings
  4. Ok I have a question my turbo has a chip in a blade on the exhaust side will it be ok it goes the length of the blade and there is no shaft play
  5. Cant seem to find one anywhere
  6. are you saying hunt one down or just use the dizzy?
  7. Schweet so do I need that little "metal" plate or can I get by without it?
  8. Ok so I find this on ebay http://cgi.ebay.com/ebaymotors/Garrett-Internal-Wastegate-valve-Turbocharger-Turbo_W0QQitemZ180299078392QQcmdZViewItemQQptZOther_Vehicle_Parts?hash=item29faa99af8&_trksid=p4506.m20.l1116and the back side of my Turbo looks like this > My question is will this make my turbo have a internal waste gate? also another question I have is where do I find the Intake ports for this turbo all I have is flanges Also under the Dizzy do I need the plastic protector that goes between the rotor and the CAS?
  9. Well let me be the first on behalf of DriftIndy To say welcome on the DriftIndy team we have 4 people with Z's 2 regulars (one being me) and let me tell you this STRUT TOWER BARS!!!! < Definatly needed. Please come visit Driftindy at Driftindy.com and go to our forums. Introduce yourself. We have 4 events planned that are a 2 and a half hour drive from you at the Indy speedrome. Also most people in DI have S13's with either VLSD or welded most go for welded because of how good they do (as long as its welded right)
  10. OK maybe a better description of the sound is it sounds like it is the reverse gear whine only in all the gears
  11. yeah already changed o2 and sparks (fouled all to ♥♥♥♥ after a 6hr idle dont ask) but wouldnt the throwout bearing make noise in neutral because I can rev in neutral and it dosnt make the whining/growling sound in the video.
  12. plus with no power to the transmission the car is silent
  13. how would that have came about and how do I fix that?
  14. Hows about we get them to remake the shells lol but really I need dog legs on my car
  15. maybe less than a month ago maybe the 3rd? 80 90 wt
  16. odd thing is this was a leave car in driveway for 20 min go back out to leave again and WOW noise wtf?
  17. Ok this sound came on suddenly and here are some important facts: Does not happen at idle Does not happen while revving in neutral Does not happen with Clutch pedal depressed and coasting at 40 mph Does Happen when slowing down with Clutch pedal released. Does Happen when moving through gears Only seems to happen when there is engine power to drive wheels (gear selected and accelerator depressed. NO VIBRATION IN THE SHIFTER! Did see a puddle of oil under car Engine oil is black not even remotely tan or golden colored. oil smelled like gas and oil... Parked car in dry spot and left it and got nothing no oil no nothin on the ground. Car: 1977 Datsun 280z w/ Wide ratio 5spd Transmission running Synthetic blend oil in the tranny and Castoral GTX in the engine with a (god forgive me) FRAM oil filter. Besides the oil filter what needs to be changed to stop this whine>?
  18. Got both of these transmissions for 125 delivered one shifts smooth the other missing a few things... any help. I said 5 speed but am unsure it acts like it has 6 shift positions yet it doesn't always want to go into it... oh and the shells are slightly different Transmission A Transmission B
  19. If i could find the damn thing last place I was told it was in the engine bay and i didnt see it is it under the black thing with the fusible links? any help?
  20. Ok, My fuel pump in my 77 280z is acting weird.... when I go to start the car when it hasnt ran in 4-5 hrs the fuel pump wont come on... but here is the kicker.. leave the key in the on position for 3-5min and the fuel pump will start. have taken a voltmeter to the wires and sure enough Zero volts until 3-5 min then instantly 11.9v I am very confused i do not touch anything I sit perfectly still. anyhelp would be greatly appreciated.
  21. Do i need a different drive shaft the 5spd is from a 81ZX N/A and its in my 77 280z
  22. No movement on wheels think this could be the tranny the countershaft bearings are thought to be bad as at idle it makes a wierd sound push clutch in goes away. oh and moves with rpms
  23. s90.photobucket.com There is the audio clip... it is on a 77 280z with a 5spd with bad countershaft bearings. Have 2 4 spds on the way but wanted to know if this is tranny or wheel bearings. also if it is rear wheel bearings how do you replace those?
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