I'm using a noid light at the injector connector (at #6cyl if it matters), I have fuel pressure, around 32-35psi, I have spark, pulled plugs, they were dry, I put new plugs in anyway. and Pin #1 at ecu, i'm getting 12.8V, which is powered by the coil negative. I swapped coil with the test car, just to confirm it's worked and vise versa, with the plug wire disconnected, I'm getting a nice strong blue spark from it, it also lights up my inline spark plug tester light. the cold start valve is and thermotime has been disconnected, but is has been since I got the car. it's a southern car that live in 80 degree weather.
on the relay/resistor side of the injector connector, I'm getting 12v there, which is getting power from the drop resistors, which is getting power from the Fuel injector main relay. on the ecu side I'm 12v also, which I believe it's getting from the #4 pin, powered by the fuel pump control relay.
at this point My brain is focusing on why the grounding isn't happening through the pcm. I even tried back feeding grounds directly from battery negative to the ecu pins #35, 17 etc. what other failed instrument can cause this, what am I missing that the ecu needs, since the engine is from a ZX, I found some splicing happening for the AFM and throttle valve switch. But I remember the car would still run when I unplugged TPS before this fiasco, This 70s technology is new to me, not sure how smart or dumb this computer it. just looking for ideas to put my focus. luckily the pcm is only like 24 wires. I'm torn between rewiring, megasquirt or just carb it at this point, my head hurts
This is my schematics and my notes.