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Everything posted by OGJaper

  1. Hey gjc, well Im looking for something along the lines of the kit from showcars-bodyparts.com but people tell me they arent the most trust worthy people, I want something different but not too extreme ya know I guess something like the pic below (and yes I know that its a 240z)
  2. I have looked and looked and looked my friends but no luck, I cant find any wide/blister fenders for my Z :/ I found one shop in Canada but alot of forum members advise they are not to be trusted (plus it was over $1200 for it, all I really want is fenders not a whole front conversion) Im looking for something simple, anyone know of any companies that sell such fenders?
  3. Heres mine, 1982, traded my sr5 corolla hatch for it, my friend (whom I traded with) and I are doing an L28Tstroked to a 3.1 pretty soon, recently got hit and now going in for body work, adding MSA kit and custom wide body (or if you know anyone who actually makes a wide body kit, hit me up please!)
  4. Thanks for the info guys going to research as much as possible, and yikes ArnZ, $4400? Quite a price tag, wondering if its even worth the money to stroke the L28, what are your guys opinions? Its not so much I have a quest to have alot of hp, more or less just want enough power to have fun. Has anyone actually done the "home made" method of mixed parts? I found a LD28 crank, pretty sure I can just get the pistons for free considering my friend has 4 spare ka24de's in his garage heh. As far as the L24 rods, not to sound noob-ish, but what model engine/car is that from? (yes this is my 1st Nissan build, and I aim to do it right) Thanks in advance for any info gang, peace.
  5. Hey guys I'm new to the forum and looking for solid info for my newest 280zx project, its going to be an all N/A Build for this one, my question is this: I heard alot of rumors that you can "make" a stroker kit for the L28 by using a mix of parts such as a Diesel Nissan Maxima V07 LD28 Crankshaft. I have no idea if this is true. I searched for the MSA 3.1 Stroker kit but, its no longer for sale from what I am told. So any ideas if theirs even a "home made" method to building a 3.1L stroker? Any info/suggestions would be great (Also my friend has a Rb25 Swapped 240sx and is hounding me that I should put an Rb series into my 280zx... I have seen it in Japan but never in the states... any info on this build would be cool too, thanks)
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