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  1. Naysayer! In all honesty I am aware of the 7M's shortcomings and luckily there are some ways to help rectify them. In the end at least its better than what was in the car before. From what I've been gathering, not a lot whole needs to come with the engine, just the harness, ECU, some relays and such. Probably the fuse box as you mention. From a glance it looks like an overwhelming obstacle to tackle but I think once you have things in place and you can section it down it becomes much more simplified. I imagine getting aftermarket instruments, fuel pump and such make things go a bit easier rather than trying to put a square peg in a round hole. I've never really liked working with wiring so the idea of having to do this much doesn't excite me, but oh well. If anyone else happens to have any more tips related to this kind of swap I'd love to hear em. Seems the attitude is to just go out and do it 😜
  2. Hi, been browsing around for a while and decided to make an account to try and get some advice. I picked up a '79 280zx in pretty good shape for not much money. Looking at the engine it came with I'd rather not try and rely on it (Not the L28s in general, just this particular one). So after looking at wanting to do an engine swap, I was able to pick up a '89 Cressida for next to nothing. In terms of the mechanical side of things, fitting the new 7M and the W58 I plan on bolting onto it into the 280, I'm pretty confident in getting done. However, this being my first engine swap for a motor that wasn't made for the car, the electrical side of things has me not so sure. My main focus is on getting the engine itself just running with functional instruments (tach, speedo, etc) and things like the heater and AC can come later. My main question is, what from the Cressida do I need to transfer over (I've got the ECU obviously) to make things go a little smoother. Also just some general advice as to how people get the electrical side of something like this done. Thanks in advance for any help, its appreciated.
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