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  1. @NewZed My rationale for the E88 head was the smaller combustion chamber, lack of exhaust liners and square exhaust ports, but if I can get better flow out of the N47 that I have, I'll use that. I was going to keep the square port log manifold from the E88, because it will bolt right back to the collector flange in the 260 (its also probably 25 lbs lighter than the 280 cast manifold), or I might get a header. Seems like the headers are easier to find in square port. Thank you for the Jeep cam angle sensor thread! Looks like I can get away with using only a crank trigger wheel if I use wasted spark and batch injector firing. I'll probably go for the MS3 to leave the door open to the Jeep cam angle sensor hack later on down the road for full sequential firing. Any preference on what crank trigger to use? E.g. drilled flywheel or crank pulley trigger? Thanks again!
  2. kintZugi

    MS2 or MS3

    Hey guys, first post here. I just picked up a 1974.5 260z with a bad head gasket in the L26. Everything else looks to be in fantastic shape. Interior is complete, and the only rust is in the battery tray area. Pretty incredible for a PNW car, but it was garaged. I plan on putting the L28E from my '78 280 parts car in it, along with the 5 speed. The 280 needed floor boards and the interior was shot, so its for parts. The L28 is at the machine shop for a hone, and I'll be using the stock dished pistons and the E88 head from the L26. The stock harness is pretty beat up from the parts car sitting outside for so long so Ill be installing a megasquirt. I plan on assembling my own MS and using the relay board DIY autotune sells since U cant trust my old relays in the 280. I've been practicing PCB assembly with some JAMECO kits for the past couple of weeks. I've done a fair bit of research and I know what I want, but I have a couple tech questions regarding how to get there. Id like to run a distributor-less setup with smart coils, like the LSx style. I'm fine with wasted spark and batch injector firing, since I will not have a cam sensor. Is this possible with only a crank trigger wheel? As for crank trigger options, which would be preferred?: Something like this 36-1 trigger wheel with the Cherry hall sensor and custom CAS mount: https://harmonicdampers.com/index.php?main_page=product_info&cPath=28_30&products_id=235&zenid=lb6vjncrcuncau2jvt8ieu9820 I was thinking to tap holes in the crank pulley to mount it. Or something like the flywheel 6-1 trigger described here with Cherry hall sensor as well (My flyweheel is being resurfaced at the machine shop, I could ask them to do this as well): Finally, does anyone know if the Godzilla raceworks 24-1 crank angle sensor needs the '82-'83 Turbo dizzy shaft? Or will it mate with my NA dizzy shaft? https://www.godzillaraceworks.com/ignition/grwcaskit Considering my desires, for this build, it looks like I only need the functionality of the MS2. Or should I just cop the extra $100 and go MS3? While it would be nice to have the USB interface of the MS3 and the SD datalogging, I only have about $3200 to spend on this and I also want to do new injectors, fuel rail, FPR, and FP. I like the versatility of the MS and would like to leave the door open to tossing a turbo on low boost on this engine in the future (probably with a p90 head). Thanks for all the help you guys have already been, this forum is FULL of awesome support.
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