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    salinas, ca

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  1. 1975 280z / Rb25det Neo Engine swap IN search of some knowledge! Purchase all these parts getting down to the good stuff of the installation, I have Plazmaman Itake and trying to figure out the IAC system, and I receive replay from Plazmaman, I understand it, Has any body have picture? I was going weld it to the intake, Then i thought about it , "plenum utilizes a remote IAC system. What you’ll have to do is bolt the OEM Idle air speed motor the remote unit/adapter block, then mount this block somewhere within the engine bay where you’re able to access the adjustment screw. Install one of the supplied 3/8 -16mm NPT fittings in the idle block and the other in the plenum, then run a hose from the idle block to Plenum. " And how well does work being a remote ? IAC, Closer to the intake is better, Any information will be much Appreciate ! Thanks, People!
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