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Geir Wensberg

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  1. Hello. I need help. I have an electrical issue on my restored 260Z 2+2. 1975 mod. I have installed a used complete electrical wiring after restoring my Z. The problem is that both near and long lights are lightening up when I turn the lights on. Parking light is ok. The blue lamp in the speedometer is on in both positions (near and long) but not so strong in one of the positions. all other electrical units ar working perfect. Any advice? Regards Geir
  2. Hello. I am finishing building up a 260Z 2+2 75 mod (European model). After installing all wires mostly of the electrical components is working well, but not main lights. They are working but the blue light in the speedometer is lightning in both positions (near and long) and in one of the dimmer switch position both long and near is lightening up in the bulb and there is + currency in both wires to the bulbs. The turn signals is not working to but the hazard is working ok. Anybody who can help me with some advice here? Regards Geir
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