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Everything posted by 75280z

  1. Hey guys thank you for all the post i think i am probably going to go the route about mounting it around the stock location i might take a hammer to the fender well, i will have to see i am working on wiring right now ..yeah!! well thank you guys now i just need to understand this wiring stuff..
  2. Hey I hope this is the right forum i didnt really know exactly..Any Way Where should i put the AFM i am doing an L28et swap into my 1975 280z and i cant figure out the best place to put the AFM i am doing a stock swap and was just wondering if any one had some pictures or advice.. Thank You
  3. OK it was a little loose should i just tighten the fuw out of it??
  4. Hi i searched, if i missed i am sorry, my only excuse is i am on dial up.. Any who onto the question at hand. I have heard about a nut in the tranny of early 5 speed trannies coming loose and doing major damage, i have the tranny out and was just wondering exactly where that nut is so i can check and make for sure it is tight.. Thank you the faster the help the fast i can install my TURBO ENGINE!! Thank you for the help every one..
  5. Thank you i am about to do the swap and having some pictures is nice i will try to get some pictures of mine when i am done, also i cant remember if i saw pictures of wiring the fuel pump does that require any modified wiring?? thank you for hopefully the first, but not last helpful guide to wiring for the 280zxt to the S30..
  6. Yes i did read your post, but i dont really want to go that route i am keeping the HP level a little over stock for the turbo engine and dont have the extra money to spend on some one else doing my leg work.. What you are doing sounds very cool and very nice, but i am in it for the experience of doing it myself..(sounds like I'm broke ).. Good luck with the Z31 ecu thing.. I am going to stick with s130 ecu for a while..
  7. Hey guys i searched i couldn't find the answe i was looking for, i am sure it is there but i just cant find it.. I pulled the ECU out of the 280zx turbo yesterday for my turbo swap.. Now my main question.. Do i cut the wires from that maybe like a foot back and use the original wiring harness from my 75.. Or do i do a complete swap of all the connectors that run into my engine bay like for the injectors and all that other good stuff.. I have been searching for the past hour and have got some good information but not that information, and i am about to have to head to class.. Thank you in Advance for any and all help..
  8. There are many people here on Hybridz that are much more organized than me, and very much more mechanically inclined i will try and see if i can do a write up.. My question is where do people want me to start i mean from the first turn of the wrench?? Give me some feed back and i will see if i can document my project as i am on a bit of stand by untill i get my school schedule under control..
  9. 75280z


    Not a great picture, but there she is from the front, man i need to get some new pics..
  10. Yeah i am going with a bigger TB, and have to eliminate the cold start stuff, i dont think it will be to hard, just take some tweaking.. Man if the wiring only took you a few hours i might call you up, where do you live??that is the part i am dreading, i am doing some upgrades before i put her in the car, but i think it is going to be a very strong runner..well man i might be asking you some questions here in a few days, man it feels good to know i have help around if i need it.. Ohh i ran into a snag today, hurt myslef while working, i dont know if any one else has weak knees, but if you do you know what i mean when i say my knee popped out of socket and it hurt, but things are coming along..
  11. Ok i have searched and it looks like the Ultra flow has much better flowing capabilities then the super-turbo, i gess the main question i am asking is.. I am building a turbo engine and was just wondering which would be better for my application.. I am starting with a very small hopefully 200hp then building slowly I will upgrade i am going to run a 2.5 exhaust.. I am not building the worlds fastest car, just a quick one..I think that is all the info you guys will need.... also is it better to get an oval or circle muffler.. I hope i was clear enough thank you for your help.
  12. 75280z


    Here she was on the Day i found her.
  13. 75280z

    Side Shot

    Here She is in the Shed, she is soon to be Turboed!!
  14. 75280z


    One of my Favorite Pics of Her
  15. I might be interested in these down pipes i would be looking at a 2.5 and i would be wondering about how much are we looking at in costs??
  16. Well it has been freezing cold here literally it finally got up to 32 degrees today.. And the engine is out, i will try to post some pics here pretty quick.. Thank you guys for the encouragement. Everything came out ok, I had to backtrack a couple times.. This isn't the easiest think i have ever done, especially since this is my first solo project ever.. Well wish me luck, i check the turbo for play tonight!!
  17. Oops, sorry Tim i havent read the rules in a while. It won't happen again..
  18. Well the main project anyway. I began pulling the L28et out of my 1982 280zxt.. Just thought i would let every one know, I will be putting it in my 1975 280.. If any one has any tips or cautions for me i would be glad to hear them. Other wise wish me luck, this is my first big project on the Z.. I am planning on keeping the motor under 10psi for now but who knows how long that will last.. My target is 200hp to the ground at the beginning and then contant ungrades from then on.. Just thought i would let people know what i am up too..
  19. I don't post frequently but i also have to add my compliments on this car, that is a very very very awesome Z.. I will be keeping your page on My favorites section and i Hope you will continue to update..again very cool car man..
  20. I am sorry man i am pretty sure the glass is not a direct swap, because i can tell you the glass from a 75 and 77 are different so i am going to guess that the 240 to 280 is different..
  21. ok dont flame me for this but you could get an S-30 z take the engine, glass, tranny infact just find one that is very rusty part it out except for the wheels and frame take it into the air with a plane and push it out of the back hey it would maybe hit 240 on the way down and you could even say it was with an N/A car ..sorry i wasnt being technical my comment was in good fun..good luck i say go for it..
  22. my sould is worth 42712 pounds (sorry i dont know how to make the symbol) and 17% of souls are purer than mine ..
  23. I love those cars, and i even love the color red. I do not however like that car red and who ever did that to the interior needs to be shot or at least have their eyes gouged out ..
  24. Hey i turned 18 last friday on the 10th it was cool i found 2 280zx's in some ones yard and they said i could have them if i hauled them off..now all i have to do is try to figure out how to get them!!
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