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About mythicfour

  • Birthday November 28

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    Kentucky, USA

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  1. Hey guys, posted over in Zcar too; Not a new Z owner, but definitely new to this level of project. Well aware of the amount of time/money this resto-mod will take and that's fine with me. I'm using it as a learning experience. Car is in essentially scrap state, but I'll do my best to bring her back regardless. Damage is mostly to the tail light/rear panel, floor pans (missing), and kick panels (rusted through). Trunk/spare tire cutout are totally missing as well, although that can just be fabricated from a sheet of 18-gauge. The frame rails/supports actually look solid, but I'll probably replace absolutely everything I can anyways from the suspension up. Budget is whatever I want it to be. Fenders, doors, and rear hatch are also more than likely a total wash; again. They can be replaced pretty easily. My only question now is how bad is the rust inside the roof? Time will tell. Plan for the car right now is to do an L24-Turbo build; however I've never converted one before and only done carb work. Would like some guidance on where to start for a turbo build. (Fuel injection, etc) Although that is a long, LONG way down the road after extensive body work. She is definitely in for an acid dip to find out what's usable and what's not. Her interior is totally gutted; only thing we have to work with is gauges and half a dash. Rough work ahead indeed, but I am dedicated to saving this one. Only thing I'm really worried about is the electrical, as I'm unfamiliar with everything required for electronic ignition, and EFI setups in Z's. More money than sense indeed on this one; but again. Going for it anyway. She seems to be a Series III with an 8/72 build date. Any support or advice is welcome. (Other than "just scrap it")
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