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Posts posted by Jlensbo

  1. If you can't come up with the $500 to buy it now or whaever $370 you won't have the money to fix it up so you will have a yard ornament for quite a while. Granted it is probably a good deal but you will want it to run. Rust etc can be daunting plus you don't know - turbo blown? ecu blown? wheel bearings and running gear and tranny. 81 turbo came with auto tranny only and with 250 plus on the clock hope you know how to fix auto trannies. Can't really get interior parts anymore so if trashed inside you will be driving in a trashed car with out an outlay of cash.


    Still, a Z car yard ornament looks a whole lot better than a birdbath!

  2. If you have $500 and a place to put it, buy that sucker like the earth was about to end in 2 weeks!


    Personally, I could come up with the $500 but that would mean it would have to sit for a few weeks until a competent mechanic could look at it (and I could pay him to do so). No matter what he tells you the cost would be, you've got it! Running great (and good floorpans) could sell for $3,000 to $5,000 (you didn't say where you were). Heck! If your close to Delaware I'LL come get it!

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