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Posts posted by mg267

  1. If it's for a genuine 240ZG, and you can't get hold of the factory part, then there's really only one specialist that can be recommended: Marugen Shokai in Hokkaido, northern Japan.


    Here's the page on his website that details the 'Lamp Case' options:





    thank you for the link.. unfortunately i'm getting a bunch of wierd characters that my computer cannot handle.. assuming it is a japanese site and my internet browser doesn't know how to handle the japanese characters.... any idea how to fix this? do they have a site in english do you know?



  2. I'm taking a guess at saying he's looking for the "buckets" that are under the lights. Not covers. I'm unsure as on my G-nose it was a one piece front end that was fiberglassed onto the car.



    Yea you are right, this is what I was referring to. I know some people have the one piece front end that I believe you say you have. I was looking for just the buckets that come as part of a 5 piece g nose kit



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