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Posts posted by Animefun

  1. Yeah it helped me alot Jeff, i just got a mail back from my contact and he said as John, that the euro springs are NLA.


    But he also said that the MSA type 3 kit lowered the car about and inch too, so i measured the car height and the insane speed bumps here, and it should work with a 1/2 inch to spare!


    I just have to bolt the exhaust system higher up to the frame, it's way down to the ground, because the previous owner bolted on a very funny looking system with a heat shields on it.


    Thanks for all your help so far!



  2. Hi


    I am all new to the L6 and i was just wondering what i can remove from the intake, and what everything is on it!


    Only thing i know is the cold start valve, everything else is just a blur of fuel lines.


    Im adding a picture so you guys can pin-point hwere all the different things are!






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