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Everything posted by jbk240z

  1. I would go with the silver wheels as well. Good luck!
  2. If a Z is in great shape and rust free, it could be baby sh*t green or hot pink for all I care. LOL!!
  3. LOL!! LOL!! You guys are killing me!!!
  4. Happy New Year!!!! May you all make good progress on your Z projects.
  5. Hi and welcome to HybridZ. A member (Alf) here on the site has done this swap. Check this link.. http://forums.hybridz.org/showthread.php?t=108065&highlight=Z31+v8 Also try typing Z31 V8 into the search function, lots of info. Good luck on your project.
  6. I also wish a very merry christmas, happy holidays, etc. to all on the absolute number 1 Z site on the net!
  7. Even though it is a Z, I vote it to be another canidate for a bonfire/bbq!!
  8. I agree with the others, #3 is the one!
  9. Larry.........too funny!!!! I woke up one my kids from laughing.
  10. No belts, as it is a direct drive.
  11. Well, my dad has this whirlpool ultimate care II clothes washer. So, 2 days ago it stopped spinning or agitating. It will fill and drain just fine. Well, I poke around on the good ole' internet, most ideas are to check the drive coupler, which is pertfect. Other ideas say clutch or brake assemblies. These look good also. The motor seems to work fine. When I spin the drum by hand, it wants to go but does not. I procede to pull the gearbox out, then disassemble. I do not find any broken parts or any wear signs. I can spin the input shaft by hand, the agitator mechanism seems to work ok, but the shaft has no movement no matter which way the input is turned. Most of the things I read by searching seem to indicate a bad gearbox. So, any ideas, experience, suggestions, or thoughts? Bueller? Bueller?
  12. Looks like a well endowed robot shark, with bull horns!!
  13. The bird is very, very, nice indeed! However, the wire Z is incredible! Since you have run out of ideas for the Z, maybe you should pass it on to a fellow HybridZ member, hint, hint, hint!!!
  14. Well, I am very far from being an engineer, but I think option 1 would be the way to go. It seems it would be alot stronger this way.
  15. Yeah right, no spinning tires, no speeding, who are you kidding?
  16. Aux, where did you find this pic, is this for real? LOLOLOLOL!!!!! It is no wonder he needs those dual 26" wheels, how else would he hold up the "excess weight" ? I wonder if he is using a weight helper spring under the bike as well. Seriously, there is nothing wrong with a big girl, if that is what you like, not my cup of tea though.
  17. But I bleed blue/orange, GO BRONCOS!!! The chargers did beat us last time, but wait until next time. We had a great game today against the chiefs. I do agree with you about the patriots, but personally I dislike the colts the most. Manning is good, but so over rated!
  18. You might want to try this link, they have lots of original type parts. http://www.blackdragonauto.com
  19. I watched ole' Arnold in "commando" today, 1 S130 and 2 S30's all in the parking garage scenes.
  20. LOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! OMG, this is too funny!!! It does remind me of a similar experience. I was changing a tank selector valve on a BIG old Dodge dually once, well the plug I used for the supply line popped out and Soaked me from the waist down with gas. Well, *&^$%#$^^% no biggie I will finish the job then take a shower. Then a few short minutes go buy, and the "parts" were burning like a mofo. A friend of mine was there and said WTF is going on as I cursed, cussed, and fussed as I stripped down to my undies and had him hose me down as I applied soap. That was about 17 years ago and I still hear about it sometimes. I think he actually hurt himself laughing!!
  21. and then I wish I had not threw the original working radio assembly in the trash from my first Z..................dang it!!!!!!
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