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Everything posted by ol2898

  1. I am very glad I came across this website! HybridZ is one of the best enthusiast sites I have seen. Great information, factual, useful and no BS or flaming arguments. Very well run, my complements to all involved I have read the rules and have followed the string for 36 + pages and have not found the answer to my issue. So I have decided to post. First a short explanation, I inherited a 260Z that was in the process of being converted into a McBurnie 250GTO. I am inventorying everything in the barn. I have found some parts missing (260Z headlight bucket) and other sundry other items (left side exhaust Header). Its still early in the inventory process though. I did find some great stuff including an LT1 engine in the crate that fits the orphan right side exhaust header and 6 speed Tranny . The kit seems complete and in good shape for having been sitting for 8-10 years. The biggest stumbling block is the assembly manual. It looks to be the original but the photos detailing the assembly are very very poor. Even before the paper turned yellow, it appears that it was a copy of a copy of a copy. The photos are pretty much useless. The manual has 59 pgs. I do not know if it is complete. Anybody know how many pages in the assembly manual? My first question/posting is does anyone out there have a legible or (be still my heart) an electronic copy? Has anyone documented the build process? I did read something in the early 250 GTO string postings. Boy from Oz mentioned something on Nov. 15 ’06 of a manual but I have not seen anything about manuals since. Can anyone help me out with assembly documentation?
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