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Everything posted by Austen

  1. Yeah, true that. I have seen how impossibly small they are. But I believe all of the versions online are just a blown up version of the Haynes manual. Unless they are a poorly made one on a computer :/ I'm going to make a wikipedia for Z's. You should follow it and if you have info you think no one else will post, you should help out. We could get a very strong Z database (Not that hybridz isn't, its just a forum and impossible to sort through all the posts.) Here's the site http://www.datsunhq.com/
  2. Ahh ok. Yeah I did completely Misunderstand you then. Haha. No registering is needed to view anything or even comment, but if you register and I choose you can create your own posts on my website. I actually just threw the template page together in a matter of minutes. I plan on recoding the whole site myself, but right now I don't have that much time (Hours upon hours). But yeah, thanks a lot for the blessing. I hope everyone likes my website. If anyone here has pointers go to my website and comment one of the posts.
  3. Dude I would just buy one of the Haynes manuals. They give you more info then you need so if you have any other problem in the future you got a solution. Here's the manual I have covering all years of the s30. http://www.haynes.com/products/productID/107
  4. Well there isn't very many How to's online which dont happen do be a forum, or a copy of what someone else posted. Its not so much a "how to" as a recording of what I am doing for my Z. Anyways this forum isn't too active. It shouldn't be a problem if my post shows on top every now and then should it? I could understand if you got like 30 new posts a day. But there has only been like 10 new posts this week. I'm just trying to make my own little community. I know how to run online communities, and I know how to gather information and compile it to an easy to use website for the Z fans. Man, I love the Z. Its got to be the best car in the world.
  5. You mean as far as the name goes like "datsunhq.com" or you mean the page? I am a web designer, I do it for fun... So I pretty know all there is to know about creating websites. It is actually very easy to build your own website. You can go to http://www.powerpipe.com/ and buy your domain name. I believe it costs like $10 a year there. And then you can either purchase your own hosting. Or host the website on your computer. Some hosts only cost around $5 a month. I would check out the different ones and find one that suits you.
  6. Hey guys, I have read this forum many times. I am gathering info for a easy 240z l28et build. I am trying to find the best parts for the price (I'm sure they will change) and I'm going to be documenting it. My website is http://www.datsunhq.com/ I hope to see some comments from you guys and possibly some pointers. I have only a bit of information so far, but I've gathered much much more in my head and plan on posting it on that site. (Let me know if you guys need a website. I can easily setup a wordpress for you guys!) I can even let you use a sub-domain of mine if you'd like. Example: http://josh240.datsunhq.com/ But yeah! Check out the site and register!
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