I have an '81 280zx turbo. I'm using the MS3/3.57 - with the latest firmware. I've been driving the car for over a year - after many months of learning how to convert to MS3.
Car had been running SWEET. I took it out for a Sunday drive two weeks ago - coincidentlally I went with a laptop connected, simply logging. I wanted to come back later and analize the log for any possible tweeks.
Alas - damn car died when I was doing about 50. I pulled over, into a side street. Long story short - spent several hours doing some debuging. I have determined that I am not getting any spark. The MS3 is alive - I can put it on a JimStim - or in the car - the sensors appear to work, and I am getting RPM signal. Again - just no spark. I replaced the new coil with yet anothe new coil - same result. I also used the Tunerstudio output test mode to test spark. No spark.
Any suggestions from anyone? I am attaching the log file I was recording when the car died. I don't see anything odd.
My car config:
- stock - everything except the MS3/3.57
- I am using the DIYAutotune trigger wheel