My cam spin and head troubles are well documented on this forum. I mentioned in an another thread that my cam wasn't spinning like my old one so I took to a highly recommeneded shop here in Houston. Lead machinist is a former Z owner and has done numerous heads for the local Z club and he said my cam is fine.
I did end up having a shop before that clean up the top of the head (.012) at everyones suggestion on here and that helped the cam spin better. Shop number one just did the piston side of the head.
I was setting my cold lash on the bench today and for some reason I couldn't get #1 (front) exhaust any more than .007 lash with the pivot all the way down. I tried swapping in some different pads with the same results. I turned the head over to get a look at the combustion chambers and I noticed that the valve is sitting a little deeper in the seat than the rest. I had machinist blue on my rockers and while my wipe pattern has changed from before having .012 taken off I am not running off the end of the rockers with the lobes. Is this ok, or does it need to be centered more? Running my '77 N/A cam if that matters. All other valves intake and exhaust are fine.
Knowing this wipe pattern and my problem with what I believe is the exhaust valve seated too deep, should I consider changing all of my lash pads or just exhaust valve #1 pad?