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Anyone pull engine from Pull-A-Part?

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We have a local pull-a-part with some nice engines to choose from. Website says its like $150.00 for a v8. I was curious if they break down the priceing and charge you for intakes, valve covers, alternator, a/c.... I tried calling them but there are no direct numbers, just hotlines with info.

Anyone ever pulled a motor from the yard?

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Im really looking for a bolt in swap. I know I would be charged for wiring harness and computer. But I was curious if they charge for alternator, water pump, a/c compressor, tension pullys, upper lower intake, air intake tube.... All of the small pieces that would nickle and dime you to death.

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If you're looking for a bolt in, I'd look on ebay and Craiglist for a running, reliable rustbucket.


In a JY others are likely to have pulled bits off already, and it it's running when you buy it, then you know it should run after the swap.

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